OGSA Teleconference 10 November 2004 ==================================== * Participants Bill Horn (IBM) Hiro Kishimoto (Fujitsu) Fred Maciel (Hitachi) Mark Morgan (UVa) Takuya Mori (NEC / ANL) Andreas Savva (Fujitsu) Dave Snelling (Fujitsu) Latha Srinivasan (HP) Ravi Subramaniam (Intel) Jay Unger (IBM) * Minutes approval - GGF12 security session minutes: revised minutes uploaded; approved with no changes. * EGA-GGF meeting report - Dave S gave an overview of the EGA-GGF meeting: The GGF presentation to EGA (see last week's minutes) went well; the atmosphere was very positive. The impression is that they would be happy to collaborate, perhaps under the OGSA banner; provided that the OGSA definition is precise enough. There seemed to be interest in working to refine what is there already. Their focus is more tight than the GGF's; mainly within the enterprise. So by definition anything to do with crossing administrative domains (e.g., VOs) is out of scope. This includes many of the 'interesting' security problems. They are interested mainly in profiling, which may be complementary to GGF work. The level of detail of the presentation (reviewed on the previous call) was good. It's important to move further in the direction; this is a topic for the upcoming interim meeting. Next steps: - The EGA will provide us more detailed use cases and requirements. They will also review the presentation from a technical point of view. For example to determine how much of the material they need. * F2F meeting update - List of hotels sent out - Some are within walking distance from the venue. - Jay will try to get a block of rooms under the IBM rate; but the rate may not be very different from the online price. - Jay will send out a map. - National airport is nearer, in a straight line, but Dulles might be more convenient. In any case taxis are expensive; better to rent. * OGSA survey review [p2] Purpose - Very early draft; needs refinement - Identify major stakeholders both in GGF and outside. Stakeholders may be commercial entities, open source projects, etc. [p4] - 'Novelties' should be 'Novartis' - 'Users': Note that expected users are listed. OGSA-WG has not contacted any of them yet. [p8] EMS: - Many projects might have different roles. For example, Intel also does implementation (close to platform position), but it is internal use only. - Discussed how to represent entities with such multiple roles. Might have two entries (especially if there is no strong connection between the different roles) [p9] RM: - WSDM should appear here. (Also perhaps HP's Apache project implementation of WSDM.) - Fred seems to be the best person to do a first draft of interested parties for this area. - Security area: - Takuya will talk to Frank - The purpose of the survey is to gather input for the draft roadmap and for OGSA v2 refinement. (OGSA v1 is too abstract.) - Not in place of top-down but to complement the top-down approach. - Concerns raised with how far the surveys will influence the direction of the work. Stakeholders may have different incentives (e.g, difference between 'early adopters' and existing implementations who may have vested interest in doing things in some specific way). - Probably the problem is perception: How 'binding' the results would appear to be on OGSA. - Desire to make clearer what kind of implementation feedback is needed. - Desire to get more input from interested parties; make the survey as broad as possible so that a single party's view is not dominant. - 'Purpose' slide additions: - Narrow implementation question from 'OGSA' to individual standards, e.g,. WSRF, WSN, WSDM. * OGSA version 1.0 public comment review [Numbers refer to rows in the excel spreadsheet.] * Security comments - [92] Consider CIM "possible model to use" but no hard decision yet. Work in some text if possible but this is v2 work. Note that it is not 'one more model to be abstracted.' - [93] ok - [94] discussed already - [95] v2 work - [96] 1. Revise first sentence to make it fit with the section. 2. Change interdependencies to relations * General - [3] No intention to write complicated English. Some revisions made; others in v2. - [4] v2 work - [5] ok - [6] 1. V2 work 2. Fig 2, 3 discussed last week and will make some revisions 3. Model: Checked Security, RM and they look ok. Need to check the rest, but this too is probably going to be v2. - [7] Already discussed and agreed that no commercial examples in v1. - [8] ok - [9] v2 work - [10] v2 work - [11] Discussed in the past and agreed that we don't need to have exactly the same structure; revisit in v2 - [12] Already made revisions (e.g., removed UML) to try and get the level closer. More widespread changes are probably v2. - [14] Disagree: keep as it is. - [15] Leave as it is - [16] Discussed in broad terms in v1; more detailed work in v2. - [17] To add reference to glossary (and vice versa) - [18] Revise abstract - [19] discussed alread - [20] 1. move SOA in front of OGSA 2. remove (WS); and write as 'Web Services Architecture' 3. 'OGSA services' : redundant to add OGSA; leave as is. - Also make a change to 'OGSA version 1.0' in line with other GGF material. - Requirements comments: Andreas to add his proposed replies in spreadsheet and discuss next week.