DRAFT informal notes (sending in two halves to entire list) October 18th (Monday) 6am(PDT) = 8am(CDT) = 9am(EDT) = 2pm(UK) = 3pm(CET) = 10pm(JST) Attendees: James Bryce Clark, Manager for Technical Standards Development of OASIS Patrick Gannon, CEO and President of OASIS Hiro Kishimoto, Member of GGF Steering Group and OGSA-WG co-chair Heather Kreger, OASIS WSDM-TC co-chair Philippe Le Hegaret - Architecture Domain Leader of W3C Mark Linesch, Chairman of GGF David Snelling, Member of GGF Steering Group Andrea Westerinen, Member of DMTF TC and Board of Directors Discussion of technical scope statement: Current draft sent to list should be incorporated into current draft of MoU. Some suggestion that non-networked systems should also be included in the scope. Clark and Kreger to suggest a further edit to the technical scope to address this. Discussion of draft MoU: Linesch presented v4.0 draft. Suggestions that additional disclosure, communication or coordination responsibilities could ne added. Drafts to be re-circulated. Several members discussed practical limitations of organizations which might make them unable to agree to the draft terms. Among other things, coordination activities may explicitly consume budgeted resources. . General agreement to re-review draft after further revisions before taking to organizations for feedback. Kishimoto to set next meeting conference call.