OGSA Teleconference 29 September 2004 ===================================== * Participants Michael Behrens (R2AD, LLC) Dave Berry (NeSC) Hiro Kishimoto (Fujitsu) Andreas Savva (Fujitsu) Dave Snelling (Fujitsu) Latha Srinivasan (HP) Jem Treadwell (HP) Peter Ziu (Northrop Grumman) Apologies: Andrew Grimshaw Minutes: Andreas Savva * OGSA v1 and Glossary public comments feedback to GFSG - Documents are now in "15 day final review" by GFSG - Do we think that there are no major issues and we can fix the documents? - That's the way it looks like at the moment - (GGF12 summary did not include Dave's or Andrea's comments) - Thinking about 1 to 1 1/2 month - Dave will report to GFSG - Agreed to start discussing issues on the call; - Hiro to allocate 1 hour next call: 30 minutes for glossary and document * GGF12 review - (Most) minutes are on gridforge - Data minutes not uploaded yet - Security minutes are uploaded but still a bit incomplete (the last part) - Andreas trying to get Frank or Takuya to add some text - Presentations are also on line; see agenda for urls. - Not many people have reviewed them. - Agreed to postpone approval for next week - Action: Andreas to draw up a list of actions/open issues from the minutes for next week - GGF12 session review - Lots of other groups got involved and discussed proposals. GSA in scheduling, etc. Lots of interest but now must convert it into more collaboration - Data: Plan to work closer with GFS to sort out architecture - EGR-RG volunteered to take over the OGSA use case documents - A collective decision; no single person identified - Consensus that this is a good thing and that OGSA-WG should let them take over the documents. - EGA will also publish their use cases; EGR should probably also look at those when they are available - (GGF - EGA collaboration is being discussed) - ACS BoF review - Good to do; unfortunately not that much support in the session - Did get statement of support to rewrite charter from Tom Studwell (IBM) (involved with Solution Installation) - Pete: Would like to get involved but still not sure about funding - Looking into collaboration over archive format (with SI) - Bubble-chart brochure: - Not presented at GGF; not enough time to get it done - Might be distributed at SC'04 - Data team F2F didn't work as well as expected; GGF sessions seem to work better if structured as collaboration rather than 'normal' f2f meetings. - Some complaints from people about timing of sessions - Cannot avoid having many OGSA sessions. It is difficult to avoid overlaps but working on minimizing as far as possible. - GGF13: might follow the same structure - 1 or 2 outreach sessions and then design team sessions - Make sure outreach sessions are done first - Some people seem to have difficulty getting funding to travel to Korea * Use case document Skipped this week as Jeffrin is not on the call. * F2F and teleconference - Discussed possible dates and locations for F2F - Collocation with SC04 (8-12/Nov) as a possibility or around that time - SC04: DaveS, DaveB will be attending. - Hiro willbe in the US just before SC04 for GFSG meeting. - Considering a second F2F sometime in late jan/early feb - GlobusWorld is early Feb - EGEE review is also the same week as GlobusWorld. - DaveS: GFSG @SF, 12-14 Jan in US - Bay area 10-11 Jan might be an good option - Action: Hiro to poll members for opinions and decide next call. - Teleconference schedule - Stay with one regular call on Wed. - Leave Monday slot free for design teams - EMS might occur biweekly - Security: ? - RM: not sure - CMM-WG state: - Doc was submitted to GGF Editor. Not in public comment yet. - Once doc is published the WG could be closed - Could then transition 'fully' into an OGSA design team - Data has a separate slot already. - Action: Hiro to get schedule/plan of each design team lead and post a schedule. - Comment: Be aware that US/UK holidays are often on Monday's; if choose alternating weeks for different teams some teams might end up not having calls for a long time. * Roadmap discussion - Skipped since Ian, Andrew, and Jay are not available. * Action item review - Adding an 8th question: - Resolved to specifically mention OGSA in Q4 - DaveS: Checked the revised seven questions document and OGSA is mentioned - Closed. - WSDM Events - No update - Subteam not started yet - Maybe ask Fred to keep an eye on it for us since he should be more active in WSDM now he has moved to the US. - AR notes: no update - MDS representative: no update - Core design team: - Decided not to form another team. Instead will keep it informal and take time on regular calls. - Hiro to follow up with Jay.