OGSA-WG Teleconference - 1 September 2004 ========================================= * Participants Michael Behrens (R2AD, LLC) Andrew Grimshaw (UVa) Hiro Kishimoto (Fujitsu) Fred Maciel (Hitachi) Andreas Savva (Fujitsu) Frank Siebenlist (ANL) Latha Srinivasan (HP) Jem Treadwell (HP) Minutes: Andreas Savva NOTE: There is NO call next Monday (US Labor day) The next call is Wednesday * Minutes approval - August F2F minutes and August 25 minutes approved with no changes. * OGSA v1 public comments review - Only a couple of comments posted so far - Many people have said that they are reading the document and will comment - Jem, Mike have comments; they have also collected comments from other people. They will post them in the near future. - The public comment deadline is Sep. 10. - It may be possible to extend the deadline since the public comment period fell in the summer; a slow time. - Consensus that we should try to stay with the current deadline and solicit more input by Sep'10 - Considered options like sending email to GGF wg-all; not sure if it is appropriate Action: Andrew to consult with the GFSG on the proper etiquette of using wg-all (can it be used for such announcements or not) * Agenda bashing - Decided to postpone the discussion of the bubble diagram to next call. The sub-team needs some more time to do another revision. * OGSA Roadmap review - First version by Ian was sent to the list - Agreed that the document is a good starting point - Need to review for submission today (the formal deadline for documents to be discussed at GGF12) - The submitted document is posted to the GGF12 site and cannot be changed. - But the group can proceed to improve it further until GGF12; a revised version can be used by the group at GGF12 [with advance warning, e.g., posting to the list] - There are concerns with sending it to GGF12 as is; we haven't put enough time on this to reach consensus. - Agreed that in order to make the deadline we should review and remove controversial material; reducing the text further if necessary. ** Section Review - 1. Introduction - General agreement that the introduction is very good - Only comment was that the statement "...danger of premature standardization..." sounds somewhat overstated - Considered re-phrasing to something along the lines of "...risks of standardization..." - Decided to change to "... careful not to standardize prematurely..." - 2. Goal/status - Agreed to add a preliminary list under each item to clarify what the goals, and status is. - Overarching goals: guidance & coherent architecture - Added documents produced; use case, v1 & CMM document, glossary, - Added list of Design teams - Added also "Coordination with related WG" and "Relationships with other standards bodies" - 3. Landscape - OK as is for now - 'CML' should be 'DCML' - 4. OGSA definition process - Strong disagreements raised with the perceived meaning of the statement "...not in the business of endorsing....ahead of time." - Since Ian is not on the call the group wasn't clear what the intended meaning was. - It seems to contradict Figure 1 in the 'notes' section. - Agreed to delete this sentence for now and come back to discuss it when refining the text. - Agreed to move Fig.1 to Section 4. - The Figure was worked out at the last F2F so it represents the consensus at the time. - Rephrase reference in the text to Fig.1 - Not sure that 'lighthouse' provokes the right image here. - The text in this section is written from Ian's point of view. - Agreed we can't just rewrite to change the meaning without Ian on the call. (Especially since Ian's name will be on the document.) - Instead rewrite to soften the text a bit and make sure that it comes out as an open issue over which the group has not reached consensus yet. For example, - Rewrite "...key requirement should be..." to "... key requirement might be..." - 5. Dependencies/Priorities - Leave it empty for now - 6. Notes - These are notes from various minutes. They will be used for further discussion and refinement. But they should be removed for GGF12 submission Action: Hiro and Andreas to clean up the document making the revisions discussed and submit to Stacey today. Action: Hiro to put the discussion of the Roadmap on the agenda for the next call * Bubble diagram document Action: Andrew to ask Steve Crumb what the hard deadline for this material is - Agreed to have a separate call to discuss the current draft by Friday - Jem, Andreas volunteered to work with Andrew - Andreas has some revisions for the latter part; will do them within the day (JST) and send to Andrew/Jem - Jem will have the pen next. * Action review - Adding 8th question: Andrew will talk to Steve. - WSDM Events: Andreas sent email to Heather; No response yet; Wait and resend. - Architecture notes: Andrew to followup one-to-one with people who raised the issue - Information services: - Andreas received some names from Dave Snelling and forwarded to Bill&Abdeslem. - Andrew mentioned that some data design team members (Susan?) might also be interested - Frank will email Ian for an MDS representative - Core design team - Hiro to follow up with Jay - Andrew would be interested in joining the team but not leading it * GGF12 session planning - Two things to confirm 1. Exchange one EMS slot with one of the other design teams (making sure that there is no conflict with jsdl) 2. Confirm that it's ok for "Naming" to share the "Information Services" slot. - (Already confirmed that "Naming" can share the security slot.) - CMM-wg cross-wg session: Fred will followup with WSDM/UC groups. - Frank confirmed that it is possible to exchange the security session with the second EMS slot - Also no conflict with JSDL if EMS is moved to the security slot - But it might be better to talk first about naming in general than addressing security issues. - Given the 'ordering' issue the ideal choice is probably switching the EMS session with that of the information services. Action: Hiro to discuss with Bill, Abdeslem and Andrew and decide which sessions to switch. Reminder to design team leaders that they should produce a 5 lines summary agenda/topics for their session.