OGSA-WG Teleconference - 25 August 2004 ======================================= * Participants Michael Behrens (R2AD, LLC) Bill Horn (IBM) Susan Malaika (IBM) Andreas Savva (Fujitsu) Dave Snelling (Fujitsu) Latha Srinivasan (HP) Ravi Subramaniam (Intel) Jem Treadwell (HP) Peter Ziu (Northrop Grumman) Apologies: Hiro Kishimoto, Andrew Grimshaw, Ian Foster Chair: Dave Snelling Minutes: Andreas Savva * Interim Minutes (August 18-20) approval - Interim minutes came out shortly before the call. - Not everyone on the call has seen them and many of the F2F participants are not attending - Approval postponed for next call * Agenda bashing - Considered postponing the discussion on the Roadmap since some of the people that should be more involved in the Roadmap discussion are not on the call (Ian, Jay, Hiro, Andrew) - Decided to do a quick review and provide any additional feedback that might help Ian with first outline. * Roadmap discussion review 1. http://tinyurl.com/5fxfd/roadmap-lowlevel/en/1 2. http://tinyurl.com/5fxfd/roadmap-process-outline/en/1 - Andreas did a quick review of the slides from the agenda - (1) is the result of a brainstorming session (& was put to the side on the next day) - (2) goes into what kind of roadmap documents to produce and the interactions between different OGSA areas - Dave talked about the importance of the meeting that Hiro attended last week - Inter-standards bodies meeting focusing on WS-management (as a common area of interest) to discuss collaboration between standards bodies - At the moment all collaboration is at the grassroots level only - Trying to come up with ways to collaborate at a higher level - The OGSA roadmap could be used as one important input to this discussion - In particular we should express OGSA priorities and feedback - OGSA v1 (currently in public comment) will hopefully act as milestone/catalyst to push this work forward - Currently only WSDM MUWS/MOWS is the other similar document - (Jem trying to get OGSA v1 comments from HP; other people are encouraged to do the same within their companies.) - (Draft roadmap shouldn't have to go into public comment) - Comments to Ian: - Top level roadmap should (also) be in 2-dimensions: time and level of detail - At the moment we have 2 levels of detail; need a coarser level of detail for the top level roadmap. - At the OGSA level talk in terms of EMS/Data/Security (and maybe Naming) - (Lowest level: specification and implementations) - Dave also volunteered to get involved to this effort. - Postpone further discussion to next call (next week) - Action: Andreas to get relevant information from the various minutes and send to Ian. - Action: Dave to send Ian draft notes from collaboration meeting; and possibly other related materials (presentations) * GGF 12 session planning - Dave mentioned that there will be a WSRF/WSN informational session at GGF12. It is scheduled for Wed Sep 22 1100- 12:30, Room QC - It is an OASIS organized informational session; under GGF rules - Open session; no agenda; discuss the status of WSRF/WSN - Do not want it to conflict with INFO-D, DAIS, and OGSA - But unfortunately there was no such slot so it conflicts with OGSA Info/Naming and CGS Action: Susan to try and get CGS to switch topics between their early and later sessions. - Will there be a phone bridge at the OGSA GGF12? - All sessions except security should have a bridge - The dial in information will be added to the session schedule (excel sheet) when it is known. * Review of F2F actions - Andreas mentioned that the actions list is incomplete; a number of decisions have implied actions but those actions are not listed here. - Andrew sent an update to his actions by email. Action: Form sub-group and produce explanatory text for the bubble diagram by Sep 1. - Volunteers: Andrew, Andreas, Jay, Ravi, Jem... - Andreas to upload the draft shown at the F2F to gridforge and send a link to the other volunteers. Offer Andrew help since the deadline is very near. Action: Create a design team on naming/identity to determine Requirements (Andrew to lead) >started - Andrew kicked this off - Andreas to send Andrew the teleconference information (number/chairperson id) and ask him to post a more formal announcement soon. Action: Andrew as Area director to look into getting an eighth question on the WG formation question list: "Relation to OGSA" - Not yet. Action: Heather to send details on the work WSDM is doing on Events. - Ravi and Andrew would like to be involved in this discussion. - Andreas to send an email to Heather to make sure she knows she has this action (Cc Andrew and Ravi) Action: Andrew to check with Data team if producing a set of notes each detailing a decision and its rationale (Architecture (AR) notes) would be appropriate to solve the 'communication' problem (what OGSA-WG has discussed and decided) - Andrew raised the proposal at the Data call. No concrete answer yet. Action: Frank to ask Ian for an MDS representative to join the Information Services design team - Dave mentioned that a couple of Unicore people might be interested (more on the resource discovery side perhaps). - Dave will send Andreas their information. >Done. Action: Jay to talk with Ian and Hiro and form a core design team to work on dependencies at architecture level (roadmap). - Ian will be doing an outline. Also discussed above.