OGSA Teleconfenence - 11 August 2004 ==================================== * Participants Dave Berry (NeSC) Hiro Kishimoto (Fujitsu) Andreas Savva (Fujitsu) Latha Srinivasan (HP) Ravi Subramaniam (Intel) Jem Treadwell (HP) Peter Ziu (Northrop Grumman) Apologies: Fred Maciel Minutes: Andreas Savva * Minutes approval ** Minutes of August 4 approved with no changes. ** Minutes of August 8 approved with minor corrections - Affiliation of Michael Behrens is R2AD not R2DD - Jem & Latha will not be able to join the Thursday session of the F2F - Fred will not be able to join the call today (Wednesday) * Data design team teleconf summary - Discussed Andrew's draft for basic file/caching/directory access - Received a number of comments (EGEE, etc) - There is general agreement on this draft. - Access to files: nearest group seems to be GFS (Grid File System); thinking how to approach. - Naming is defined for data but is probably more general. - A comment from Peter Kunszt that it looks similar to JNDI (Java Naming Directory Interface). - Raised the question of whether it is ok to 're-use/adapt' existing standards. - Obvious issues with IP, ownership etc. This may be a broader question for the whole group or GGF in general. - Hoping to have something ready to present in the main OGSA call or possibly the F2F next week. So making good progress. - (Hiro) There's another data group (DES? or EDS) not just GFS - Any discussion about WSDM and how data will use it? - No discussion yet. * August F2F update - Ravi booked rooms at Intel for 8/18 & 8/20 - Will send directions end of day tomorrow - Possible VPN issue when accessing internet. Cisco VPN does not work but others should be. - Projector ok - ACTION: Check that there is a equipment to set up phone bridge and lots of microphones - Bridge booked by Hiro (care of Ian/ANL) - 8/19 is at FJ facility; no network access ** F2F agenda - Intel: directions are to the RNB bldg, main lobby next to the Intel Museum. - Will have badges prepared for the people on the list. - Allow more time for lunc: may have to go out as the cafeteria is being renovated. - Light refreshments will be available in the meeting room - It is at the executive center; very sensitive to bringing food in; some other groups might also be catered. - May not have space for everyone around the table. - OGSA marketing - Steve Crumb requested material for GGF12. Not sure if this is too late - "WSDM - OGSA" cross-wg session proposed agenda - OGSA v2 scope and discussion - DaveB revised doc; comments from Ian as one input - Agreed that we don't need to go to great detail (e.g., wsdl, operations and arguments) but do need to talk about services in order to define the architecture. - Boils down to 2 things: 1. Get organized feedback 2. Rules on what design teams and OGSA does; and the crossing point from design team to working group - Level of detail: need to do a couple of iterations of the architecture to make sure that it is consistent. So it is not possible to avoid going to the level of detail that can allow design teams to have a discussion with existing working groups---decide if the work they are doing fits or not. - Need care not to spawn groups too soon; e.g., if EMS is spawned too soon (before doing even an initial architecture consolidation and the interactions with other areas is more or less understood) then may have to revisit and change the (spawned) WG scope/charter when they are in a more advanced state. (and cause more backtracking) - Hiro to arrange the discussion to be at a convenient time for UK. * Document Status review - No public announcement but the tracker says it is in public comment - Hiro will ask Stacey - There was a problem with (Ravi's) figures not showing properly on Macs - Ravi will send original figures to Hiro/Andreas by end of week - Hiro to forward information (location, etc) on WSDM F2F to Ravi (or all) * GGF update - Still waiting for a room for the data design team. * No call next Monday