Attendees: Mark Linesch, Dave Snelling, Winston Bumpus, Hiro Kishimoto, Tod Guay, Bert Wijnen, Steve Bratt, Heather Kreger, Wanyne Adams, Andrea Westerinen Plan for the Meeting: Venue: Discussion followed by decision to meet at the airport Hilton, with a plan to take up the Cambridge offer at a later date. Time: 9:00 - 15:00 Action: Jamie to send meeting room details to the list (Hiro to advise). Agenda Discussion Purpose and Scope Discussion Based on general agreement, we need to keep the aims of the meeting to exploration. Thus the goals should be to bring back draft ideas and proposals to our organizations. We could define scope but not actions. Session 1: Each organization to present short proposal and possible goals. Include plans and current activities in this area. Include scope of their organization within the management domain. Time: 15 to 30 minutes. Presentation content: Current and Planned Activities Session 2: Working Session on Scope and Goals of the collaboration. Two issues: What is the scope of the organization within the management domain and what is the scope for collaboration. Session 3: Next Steps Session Brain Storm. Close: Meeting Concludes when we have: Vision statement, a written scope in management, and next steps action list. Attendees: Winston, Mark, Dave, Hiro, (Charlie?), Steve or Philip Lehegaret, (Bert?). Should we invite others?, e.g. ITUT - Dave Ceder(sp) in network management. Action: Bert to contact ITUT liaison with invitation from Hiro.