OGSA Teleconference --- 4 August 2004 ===================================== * Participants Dave Berry (NeSC) Hiro Kishimoto (Fujitsu) Fred Maciel (Hitachi) Takuya Mori (NEC) Andreas Savva (Fujitsu) Jem Treadwell (HP) Minutes: Andreas Savva * Early discussion ** Minutes (28 July) approved with no modifications. * GGF session plan updates - Data session - Monday is the main candidate at the moment for the full day session. - No confirmation that there is a room assigned yet. - EMS session - Tentatively scheduled for Tuesday morning, but it conflicts with the first JSDL session - Not sure of Andrew's schedule yet Action: Hiro to talk with Andrew next week and confirm that the Tuesday slot is good for him. - Might have to ask the JSDL-WG to change slots for later in the day. (JSDL-WG too has asked for no overlap with OGSA-WG) Action: Once the EMS schedule is fixed Andreas to talk with JSDL chairs on re-scheduling the first JSDL session. - Security session - Get feedback from Takuya and Frank next week Monday - Not sure if Frank is organizing the Security workshop on Monday; would like some more information on content to decide whether to attend or not. - CMM and cross-wg session - Fred will book a session - This cross-wg session will gather people working on manageability. No agenda at the moment but based on GGF11 experiences it promises to be interesting. * OGSA v2 document process proposal - Clarified that "refining across capabilities" refers to a process and there are no specifics yet. This work is expected to be in addition, run in parallel and across the work done by design teams. - Agreed that removing summary of service descriptions in favor of reference to design team documents is a reasonable modification of the original proposal. - Confirmed that the expected deliveray date of v2 is June next year (2005) and that this is still an information document. (Referring to the proposal: documents colored blue are information documents; documents in yellow are recommendation/normative.) - Service descriptions by design teams expected by that time too - Again these information documents - Service specifications by WGs do not have to be finished by that time; some might come before and some after. - These are recommendation documents - Problem with above set of documents is that there is still no normative document describing the architecture itself. So, for example, no one would be able to say that they are OGSA compliant. - Agreed that such a normative specification is needed - Initially it may be a set of documents one for each capability (e.g., a set of profile documents) - There is an obvious dependency with the normative service specifications so it doesn't look like it can be completely finished by June next year. - Consensus that this is something that we have to take on. Action: DaveB to revise V2 document proposal and add the discussion above including the proposaed changes from the July 28 minutes. * Roadmap - To prioritize work on services - Input on "what is possible" is a good start - And that's all there seems to be available at this moment - Not sure how to go about getting the "what is needed" input - DaveB knows a number of people involved in academic projects in the UK. Volunteered to get in touch with them to get input on their priorities - The WG committed to getting a first draft of this for GGF12. - Need to get an outline and initial input by the F2F so that work on the draft can begin. Action: DaveB to get input on priorities of UK academic projects Action: Takuya to talk with Frank about Security services