OGSA Teleconference - 2 August 2004 =================================== * Participants Dave Berry (NESC) Hiro Kishimoto (Fujitsu) Andreas Savva (Fujitsu) Dave Snelling (Fujitsu) Andrea Westerinen (Cisco) Minutes: Andreas Savva * GGF12 session planning - One outreach session and the rest for design teams. - Data design team session - On Monday: seems to be the best place for it at the moment - Information session: keep separate for now and decide later if it should be part of the Data session instead. - Design team reports session: Purpose is to share info across group. It is not an outreach session. - Fred to organize the WSDM/DMTF cross-wg session(s) * CIM review - Review of Cisco proposal for CIM v3 (and is mainly Cisco's perspective on the model) - Main aim is simplification of structure - All deprecated/redundant concepts are removed - Configuration is all under logical elements - Job will probably still be part of Core model - Or maybe part of job model (on its own) rather than part of another model - Indication/Alerts - Trying to align with CBE submitted in WSDM - CBE used 'situation' but there is some confusion on whether it is instanteneous or not. - 'situation' as part/subclass of 'Indication' - There was also some ambiguity in the definition of situation (e.g., 'connection' could be seen as either the beginning of or an already established connection.) - AI to make sure it is clarified - 'Query' to handle CBE's 'AnyData' - 'IndicationTime' reflects time it was sent (instance in time) - In some sense using polling (underlying infrastructure) to monitor. And the infrastructure might suppress things and show them at requested intervals - E.g., AlertInterval and Counter to capture how long something has been polling/monitoring - [p20] - SecurityIndication - New in 2.9; indicate attack types etc - [p21-23] - policy: condition - action rules; might be set up over time. - [p22] authentication - Combination of mechanisms (e.g., card + passwd) - Agreed that this proposal (v3) looks simpler than the current CIM model. - The recommendation is for OGSA to use v3.0 for now since it offers a more simplified view and can be used to highlight important things - If OGSA-Wg needs to look at more details then ask Andrea for assistance. - It is expected to be complete by end of this year(?) * XML CIMCXV3 - Classes in CIM are complex types in XML - Attributes - Also have a look at the schema generation rules in the emails to map MOF to XML - The rules were implemented and the translation was automatic. - Enums are integers in CIM - CISCO wanted to be able to put in richer information {nonnegative int and string) - Correlated array mapping was somewhat problematical - More general mapping? XLM to MOF: might be possible. and for example map annotations to facets etc. - Is it possible to use schema to do resource description for 'jobs'? Yes, it is also used for this in addition to configuration. - Purpose of schema generation algorithm - Still using MOF in V3 or is there a complete switch to XML? - Really want to use UML as normative - But using MOF and translating to Rose (UML) - Action: Andrea to send out - sblim (linux implementation model) - Part of IBM open source but not Eclipse ** Next steps: - Evaluate CIM V3 - List requirements for resource description and job description - Andrea is willing to participate more actively in OGSA-WG for the above work. - CIM used for applications? (Management Of WS) - Yes, expect CIM to be used there too - But 'application' is not just WS * Next call (Monday): Heather Kreger's WSDM presentation