OGSA Teleconference - 23 June 2004 ================================== * Participants Larry Flon (ISI) Bill Horn (IBM) Hiro Kishimoto (Fujitsu) Tom Maguire (IBM) Takuya Mori (NEC) Andreas Savva (Fujitsu) Frank Siebenlist (ANL) Chris Smith (Platform) Latha Srinivasan (HP) Ravi Subramaniam (Intel) Jem Treadwell (HP) Minutes: Andreas Savva * Telecon minutes (June 16) approved with no changes. * CIM tutorial - Tutorial led by Larry and Tom - Is a mapping between WSDM and CIM done? - It is ongoing work of the DMTF Interop-WG - The Mapping is not mature yet but should move fairly quickly - This activity is part of the work register between OASIS and DMTF - WSDM defines what it needs (e.g., WSRF WS-ResourceProperties) - DMTF Interop-WG maps it to/from CIM - From {CIM information mode and profiles}; generating portTypes (WSDL) - The DMTF Utility Computing WG helps to bridge the gap between WSDM TC and Interop-WG - In a sense UC-WG is also an outreach organization. It drives requirements (change requests) into areas that are owned by other WGs. Since part of its work is outreach it is a good first stop to start liaising with DMTF WGs before forging a closer relation with more specialized DMTF groups. - The mapping includes both manageability/operational and information aspects - Could the generated WSDL replace CIMOM? - These are just interfaces. An implementation is needed behind it, e.g., each vendor's product. - What is the role of the Service Management WG in DMTF? - Defines a set of profiles that represent *servers* - Neither Larry nor Tom are active in that group. They could get someone from that group to present the work if OGSA-WG is interested in details. - A number of ways to liaise. It might be better to have an established liaison but initially it could just be someone that is active in both the UC-WG and the Service Management group. - Tom will get someone more familiar with the specifics to explain CIM. People should read the CIM tutorial in advance; and then focus on particular areas of the schema that are more relevant to OGSA - It is also a good idea for some joint exploratory work: read up on some services in OGSA (e.g., EMS services) and walk through a CIM mapping. (There are many ways of doing a mapping.) - There is no need to learn the entire [CIM] 'dictionary' before trying to speak the language. Get a handle on the basic concepts, (metamodel), and then focus on subtopics of interest. - The graphical view is UML - The JSIM extension (CGS-WG) was done in a similar way: Looked at what's there already in CIM and filled the gap for what was needed. And drove it back (change requests) into CIM through a liaison (Andrea Westerinen in the case of CSG-WG) - There are over 300 companies in DMTF using CIM. Getting the concepts in the information model helps industry adoption. - Agreed to continue with teleconfs on CIM and JSIM introduction - And to plan on arranging some common work with WSDM (and/or UC-WG). One idea is an example mapping EMS. - Tom has already sent links to relevant documents. He will also send links to the schemas and the browser (javadoc) that can be used to view them - Any sponsors to provide access to a Web conferencing system for the calls? It would make it easier to follow this kind of presentations. - Tom will look into getting public access to an IBM internal system - Until that time send out powerpoint slides out in advance and sync over the phone - Schedule discussion - Do not schedule the next CIM discussion for July 5, since it is immediately after July 4 and would not get many people - Proposal to do schedule some time before the F2F, e.g., in the first weeks of August - There is also a concern with how much time is needed to catch up on WSDM. But that could be done independently of the CIM work. - Agreed to continue with CIM introduction in July and postpone the WSDM introduction to August. - First CIM tutorial to be scheduled fo July 12. * GGF11 review ** GGF11 minutes are not available; postponed approval for later. * August F2F meeting update - Tentative schedule is for August 18 & 19 in the Bay Area. - Intel or Fujitsu facility are the candidate venues - WSDM TC is planning a F2F near that time and in the same area. Wait for their ballot to close on June 23 before deciding the exact dates. - Some people have conflicts that week. It might not be possible to get everyone for all days (Ravi and Ian, possibly Jem have conflicts) - Another problem may be internet access. Could split the venue between Intel (internet access) and FJ (no access) - Proposal for a 3-day meeting: - Drop all procedural issues from agenda; and - Focus only on contentious issues (any issue that takes a long time to settle on the phone qualifies) - OGSA version 2 (post v1) should be done across design teams. Not sure how to go about it at this point. - Proposal for dates is: 18,19,20 (20th is a Friday and people are likely to leave early so half-a-day) - List up discussion points for the cross working session - From the GGF11 WSDM cross-WG session minutes: > Need to drill down with EMS more, and work with WSDM and DMTF > to leverage the interfaces. * OGSA version 1.0 review - Andreas will release a preliminary version before the Wednesday call with action items per section. - Preliminary draft (19) posted on gridforge - Authors/contributors/acknowledgement discussion: - Post the list of proposed contributors - Frank to send figures and citations and revise the paragraph on OGSA-Security. - Andreas to send revised text to Frank on security requirements. - Specific discussion points should be sent to the list in advance. - Glossary - Jem requested people have a look through and give him feedback by Monday - Jem to remove some of the scaffolding text and add contributors text - Andreas to check out the self-management/provisioning definitions - Review documents and decide whether we can submit on June 29; or review again on June 28 call and submit June 30/July 1. * OGSA Telecon schedule: - In June, 70% of the time for OGSA version 1 and 30% for Glossary - June 28 (Mon) is for design-team call (or final review) - June 30 (Wed) is for OGSA version 2 (post v1) discussion