OGSA Teleconference 14 June 2004 ================================ * Participants Sachiko Wada (Ascade) Jem Treadwell (HP) Latha Srinivasan (HP) Dave Snelling (Fujitsu) Chris Smith (Platform) Frank Siebenlist (ANL) Andreas Savva (Fujitsu) Fred Maciel (Hitachi) Hiro Kishimoto (Fujitsu) Minutes: Andreas Savva * Agenda Bashing - Agreed to drop the discussion on the Common Resource Model off the agenda since Jay is not attending. - Hiro to re-schedule at a later time. * June 2nd teleconference minutes: approved with no comments * GGF11 review - Fred has posted the WSDM/Data design team session minutes to the list - No other minutes are available Action: Minute takers should send their minutes to the list or to Andreas who will compile them and upload them. - WSDM/Data minutes approved with no changes - Discussion off WSDM/Data minutes: How to approach WSDM work - Give MUWS preference/priority over MOWS - Look at the 0.5 spec - CIM tutorial on the DMTF web site is a good introduction - JSIM spec is also probably a good starting point since it is in public review and probably more related to our work. - (And comment on it! Even if only to say that it is good.) - Suggested order of reading: - CIM tutorial, JSIM (as an example), MUWS - There are no WSDM/Data session slides on gridforge. - (CMM sessions are already online (with bonus audio track)) - Otherwise most presentations have been uploaded. Action: Hiro/Andreas to do a final check that all presentations are on gridforge - Review of OGSA sessions - Good attendance in general sessions - Design team sessions were also well attended and led to interesting discussions. Need followup on collaboration with DMTF UC-WG and OASIS WSDM-TC. - (DMTF UC-WG has a F2F at the moment. Collaboration is one of the things on the agenda.) - Steve Crumb's comment on OGSA at GGF11: http://www.gridtoday.com/04/0614/103356.html (last paragraph) - Dave, as the area director, thanked everyone for doing a great job at GGF11. * Interim F2F meeting - Proposal for one more interim meeting before GGF12 - (Note: Data design-team F2F is July 15 & 16 in London) - One possibility is: Date: August 17 & 18 (Tue/Wed) Place: Denver - Fort Collins as a possible location if Denver is chosen - And arrange a half day cross session with WSDM and/or UC-WG? - WSDM is planning a F2F Aug. 16,17 at Silicon Valley - We should co-locate if we want a cross-session or arrange for a back to back meeting - OGSA members can attend WSDM F2F if they are TC observers Agreed on tentative plan to have back to back meeting with WSDM at Silicon Valley the week of August 16. (Aug. 18, 19 for OGSA F2F) Action: Hiro to coordinate with WSDM on the days in particular to minimize risk of changing venue/date of the WSDM F2F. * Deliverables schedule - OGSA-WG is committed to deliver the following documents: - The OGSA informational doc (version 1.0) - Submit to GGF editor by 29 June - Public comment period likely to start Aug/Sept - Use case document tier 1 (ver. 1) - Public comment period ends July 7 - Revise and re-submit by July 31 (?) - And at a later stage (timing undecided) fold in the tier-2 use cases or other submissions and produce the next version of the Use Case document. - Roadmap document first draft - Release at GGF12, Sept 20 - The OGSA recommendation doc (version 2) - First draft GGF13, March 2005 - Final draft GGF14, June 2005 - Glossary - In the past we decided that it should submitted concurrently with the OGSA document - Re-affirmed that this is still the case * Deliverables process discussion ** The OGSA informational doc (version 1.0) - Follow up by design team and OGSA-WG at large - Confirmed that we are not aiming for a major re-write, but minor improvements (unless something is broken) - The text in v18 is the latest and it includes an updated EMS section. - Revise and submit to GGF editor by 29 June Action: Andreas to create a new tracker for v1 and another one for the glossary Action: Andreas to make a list of self/management section terms for glossary and send to Jem Action: Andreas to check GGF11 minutes for things to do wrt document. Action: Andreas to remove all of Chris' comments from EMS section. They have been already addressed. - People reviewing the document have a choice of either sending out their comments by email to the list or marking up the document and sending it out. Andreas will merge in comments and produce a consolidated list of actions. ** Use case document tier 1 (ver. 1) - Follow up public comments - Confirm editor (Jeffrin?) - Soliciting comments: - Dave suggested to Semantic Grid group to review the Use cases and give comments; people got actions. - Grid scheduling architecture also was asked by Hiro to look at use cases document Action: Hiro to follow up with both groups' chairs - (Dave also suggested to consider commenting on the OGSI Primer. And look at the methood of posting public comments to it.) ** The OGSA recommendation doc (version 2) - Refine current architecture description - Factoring out common services among capabilities - (Need cross-design team work to make sure this is addressed. Probably during a F2F.) - Show static and dynamic views of capabilities - Rewrite per service descriptions (chap. 4) - Start using UML - Verify current architecture using existing use cases - Probably need to get the current architecture better fleshed out before this can be done. ** The roadmap document - Find out dependencies among services - Solicit priorities from various Grid Project and stakeholders. - Possible Customers - Traditional Grid community - Systems Mgmt community - Look at the OGSA Security Roadmap as an example of a roadmap document. - That document was done somewhat informally based on authors perspective - The OGSA-SEC documents don't exist within GGF anymore as OGSA-SEC disbanded at GGF11. Documents were given back to the authors. - Proposal to adopt the docs and revise them - Take what can be used, update and re-use in OGSA roadmap. - (Security Design team meeting went well; will have workshop at next GGF) ** Collaboration with UC-WG and WSDM-TC - Trying for common/back-to-back F2F - At GGF11 EMS team decided to take a closer look at MUWS and see if they can use it - (Check minutes to find out who volunteered to act as liaison between EMS/WSDM. (Jeff Frey?)) ** Draft monthly break down of each task (attached to agenda) - Proposed percentage of effort given to each task (e.g., time scheduled in teleconfs) - General agreement that it is too ambitious; there are too many things scheduled for July and August (3 parallel activities) - Proposed to focus instead on just 2 activities - Inter-dependency between activities (e.g., need to do a bit on OGSA v2 before tackling roadmap) - Even in June covering 3 activities is too much. - Re-worked allocation as follows: - June: Concentrate on OGSA-1 doc and Glossary and make sure we submit them - July: OGSA-2 (70%) and UC-1 (30%) - Aug: OGSA-2 (60%) and Roadmap (40%) - Sep: OGSA-2 (60%) and Roadmap (40%) - Concern that submitting OGSA-1 at the end of June and potentially getting it in public review in August might be bad timing. Most people are going to be on vacation and we might not get sufficient comments. - Proposal to finish OGSA-1 in June but not submit until September in order to get people when they come back from vacation. - Rejected because we committed to submitting it and it will not look good to delay. - Roadmap document length - Probably around 10 pages in total; the actual schedule may be a couple of pages but in order to make it a standalone document some explanation will have to be added. - Main work is to get all the information from the various source and prioritize. Action: Hiro to update the 'task break down' excel sheet * Telecon schedule - There are two proposals: Option 1: General OGSA call every Mon & Wed Each design team may have another weekly call Data, EMS, Security, Self-management Monthly review in general call Option 2: General OGSA call every Wed Each design team may have another weekly call Including Monday time slot Monthly review in general call - General agreement that option 2 is better in order to put more emphasis on the design teams and keep the number of calls manageable. - Finalize decision at the next call (Wed)