OGSA teleconference - 5 May 2004 ================================ * Participants Dave Berry (NeSC) Ian Foster (ANL) Bill Horn (IBM) Hiro Kishimoto (Fujitsu) Fred Maciel (Hitachi) Andreas Savva (Fujitsu) Dave Snelling (Fujitsu) Jem Treadwell (HP) Jay Unger (IBM) Sachiko Wada (Ascade) Apologies: Andrew Grimshaw Minutes: Andreas Savva * Early Discussion ** Teleconference minutes Apr. 28, 2004: no comments, approved. ** F2F Action: All attendees to reply to Hiro on dinner preference asap. - Argonne Guest House - Non smoking rooms may be available. - Recheck your reservation if you need one. * Glossary - Jem posted update to glossary - Also "Grid Service" mail to summarize status of discussion to list - Chose a somewhat less controversial term ("event") this time ** Event - Jem has proposed definition of "event" in the glossary ("...significant occurrence...") - A lot of discussion around the WS-N choice of terminology - "situation," "notification message," "notification" - WS-N has avoided the term "event" (overloaded) and is using "situation" in its place. - "situation" definition is similar to Jem's "event" definition - But "situation" definition doesn't sound right (from an english point of view) - "situation" has concept of continuity while "event" implies an occurrence - ("event notification message" is what many people typically mean with "event") Action: Jem to talk with WS-N folks and clarify usage terminology (propose to use event). - "...information about event..." - Define event content, e.g., a notification message? * GGF11 session plan - Requests from GGF office - OGSA is the flagship architecture and the GGF Office would like to present it in more detail to people both outside and inside GGF. - OGSA (Markitecture) Picture - Picture (marketing vision) of what OGSA looks like - Capture content without going into design - To explain to outside people, sponsors etc - Also identify areas where more work needs to be done and find people/WGs to address them. Action: Hiro to send out mail to list and solicit comments. - Extended plenary sessions plan proposed by GGF Office - 1st session (Opening/Keynote) : - 60 minutes for Hiro and Ian (after CeC's speech) - 2nd session : - OGSA Gap panel (identify topics that are not well addressed in the OGSA picture and what we would like to see happen to fill them in.) - Target audience: GGF community - Message: Good things are happening but still need to do more work - Deadline is ASAP - Agreed to send our commitment to Steve Crumb soon - And decide content at F2F - In contrast to Arch I&II: - Arch I & II deals with what has been done - The Gap panel with what is needed to be done Action: Hiro to move Gap session after Arch I&II Action: Hiro to solicit people for panel (Dave has volunteered to be on the panel. Ian & Hiro are doing the opening/keynote so they shouldn't/don't have to be on panel.) - Other concerns: - General sessions call for 45 minute presentation on each topic but that may be too short to get a discussion going. - Detailed discussion in design sessions - Mention Glossary (in some session) so that people are aware of it, e.g., so that they can contribute. * OGSA document (final draft) questions - Address the question of whether there is sufficient material for a final draft at the F2F. - OGSA doc should be recommendation or information track? - Question was raised in the Data design team - How can the document be a standard if it is based on standards that have not been defined yet. - Document is stronger than information track - Lays out architectural outline (to drive direction) - (Some discussion on what "recommendation track" means in GGF.) - Consensus that recommendation track is appropriate (but we may not have sufficient material in the first draft to make a convincing case.) - One proposal (by Bill) to make the first version informational and the second recommendation. Action: OGSA-WG chairs should consult with Architecture Area directors. - Versioning - Do we create new versions of OGSA in the future? E.g. if more services need to be added or if flaws are found in the current version? - Consensus is yes. If the document is accepted as standard then later specifications will have different versions. * CMM document discussion - CMM-WG is on track to completing their document by GGF11 - OGSA-WG members should review section 3.2 (candidate for inclusion to OGSA doc) - Also related sections: on models (4) and gap analysis (5). - UDDI mentioned in the CMM document (but not in OGSA). - WSDM mentions it; not as a requirement but as an example. - (UDDI is a directory for static services. However, Grids are rather dynamic.) - Section 5.3 needs to be synced with the OGSA document (services etc) - Need WSRF update - WSDM is management of services; we may have to specialize to manage job services or data services - What level is this discussion, e.g., WSDM state model and is this appropriate for what we want to do or not. That is, will we have to define something else. - This kind of model (wsdm) is a specific facet (availability) - From some other entity's view the states are reflected in a different 'model'; e.g., the job scheduler is interested if this is a resource that can be scheduled, not how it can be managed. - Fig2, p10 (Functional/Manageability interfaces) - Job Manager (JM) is a capability - By analogy with "start/stop" on JM, the "submit/cancel job" should be "start/stop i/f" on the job not the JM - This kind of modelling is 'core' and we don't have it down yet. - This is a topic that should be on the F2F agenda. - Unfortunately it is not clear if Heather will be able to attend. * AOB - Rumors that the DMTF Utility Computing WG and OASIS WSDM TC may be having F2F meetings in Hawaii around the time of GGF. - Might require some coordination if true. - No calls next week --- F2F.