OGSA Teleconference April 19, 2004 ================================== * Participants Ian Foster (ANL) Andrew Grimshaw (UVa) Bill Horn (IBM) Hiro Kishimoto (Fujitsu) Fred Maciel (Hitachi) Andreas Savva (Fujitsu) Chris Smith (Platform) Latha Srinivasan (HP) Ravi Subramaniam (Intel) Jem Treadwell (HP) Apologies: David Snelling, Jay Unger * Early Discussion ** Minutes from last call (4/14) not available yet. Apologies. - Key action was for Jay/Andreas/Hiro to revise text and produce new version for next call (4/21) - Some mail exchange. * Infrastructure text - Ian has produced a new version - Comments on this version - Delete WS-Policy from first paragraph according to usual objection. (WS-Policy has not been submitted to any standards body.) - TLS & IPsec are not message level. Rewrite. - XML: Add comment from last review ("allow other representations") - Internet Protocols: Text is not wrong but seems to be a bit lower level than the general focus of the paper - Does this document (list) preclude other standards? - Conclusion is no. List is just meant to make our choices more concrete. - Some discussion on the status of GGF as a standards organization. Action: Ian to revise text and send out to the list again >Done. * May F2F logistics - Need to register in advance! - Hiro has sent out email how to register - Send your information again even if you visited ANL in the past. - When reserving a room at the Guest House use Ian as local contact. Action: Ian to prepare phone bridge for F2F. (Meeting times are 9am-6pm) - This F2F is dedicated to preparation of final draft - Do not want to leave with assignments but with more or less final draft - Think about process to run F2F more efficiently Proposal: Split into teams and work on components; come together at the end (or intermediate intervals) to merge parts - On demand rather than a static assignment. (Determine membership as an agenda item at the F2F not in advance.) - Proposed topics: logging, provisioning, PE, security, etc - Meeting is two full days. Many people leave in the evening of the second day. It tends to make the meeting finish early. Proposal: Attendees should plan to stay the evening of the last day and leave the next morning instead. So the meeting is 2 full days and we can use the evening of the second day for more wordsmithing, if necessary. - Hiro mentioned that Jeff Nick may also attend. * GGF11 - Hiro has been asked to make GGF11 session reservation - Proposal to have 2 types of sessions 1. Design teams 2. Outreach (explain what is happening with OGSA). - So in total 6 sessions (probably) - Small rooms for design teams: make sure that we also get some work done. - For example: PE, Logging, Security, Data, ... - Logging is now a WG so they don't need time within ogsa - Data maybe (Ask Dave B) - Big rooms for general sessions - Maybe do them like the sessions at GGF9; e.g., formally invite other groups to come. - For example: PE and Provisioning, Data, Security - Deadline for session reservation is May 8 or 9. Action: Hiro to write up proposal and send out to list. Then make reservation. * Glossary - Jem added terms and modified definitions from last call (Grid, VO, RO). - Colour coding scheme to indicate maturity of definitions. - Participants should review and comment - Definition of "Grid service" - Has meaning in OGSI. - Proposal is not to define the term in WSRF - (If defined might create confusion (not web services)) - There was one perspective that a grid service may not necessarily be a web service (according to some profile) - People use the term WS fairly loosely - Might end up having to give a definition of "web service" - People like the term "Grid Service." It might make sense to use term in OGSA anyway. - One proposed definition is that a GS is a WS that uses the WS-Resource pattern - Another is to define GS as a WS with some properties. Make the definition normative text. - But we do not have agreement on what those minimal properties are. Action: Ravi to send initial definition proposal to Jem. To discuss with other interested people (Ian, Andrew, Chris, Hiro). Andrew and Jem are having weekly calls to discuss glossary definitions. * Program Execution (PE) - Latest revised document is online https://forge.gridforum.org/projects/ogsa-wg/document/Services-basic-feb-10-d004.doc/en/2 - Andrew to get with Bill and do a UML diagram of the PE figure presented at GGF10 (interactions) - Some opposition to doing UML - Many people not conversant with it - Do not want to give people the image that we are OO - Clarification that UML is not meant to replace the text, but as addition to the text. (And only at the 'high-level' as described by Bill a few calls back.) - Also add UML explanation on what the figures mean in our context - One example that was raised was that UML aggregation may be mapped to composition. - But we also have to discuss what it is we mean by the above terms. - Also add explanation on why we are using UML in the introduction of the document. - Add explanation to emphasize that not all implementations will have all PE services - Also need to do: - More english cleanup - Example port types and operations - Sanitized definition order - Introduction - Should give a more general view. E.g., Standard ways for manipulation of computing resources. It does not necessarily have to do with execution. - Scheduler is something that will use the environment not necessarily part of the environment. - Can imagine a lot of different interactions and end up with lots of MAYs - Remove the "a.k.a. scheduler" but keep some mention in the text that one instance of this service may be a scheduler. - Proposed overall order: Explanation, followed by interaction diagram and then usage scenarios. - Define each service using the same pattern - Specific examples - With another subsection to spell out interactions - Uses or used - But the usage scenario may depend on the profile. (So also define the profile in use.) - Explanation - Description of operations, etc - Need 2 or 3 scenarios to work through (at the moment only have one) - Andrew to do document revision including detailing 2-3 services. - (He will be spending most of this week working on the document. Send feedback to Andrew (ok to send to the list) but do it this week!) - Revised document will be sent to the list to get comments on whether the structure is appropriate. - Jay is working to getting feedback from IBM people working in this area. (They have not been engaged in the PE refinement so far.) Expect some more changes. - PE needs one more slot before F2F. Will try to finalize text at F2F. - Next slot fixed for 4/28. - Need some more diagrams. Andrew to re-use some of Ravi's diagrams. - Document has to be revised to replace ogsi terms, in particular GSH - EPR? - service name? - service handle? (Use this for now)