OGSA Teleconference - April 14, 2004 ==================================== * Participants Bill Horn (IBM) Hiro Kishimoto (Fujitsu) Fred Maciel (Hitachi) Dejan Milojicic (HP) Andreas Savva (Fujitsu) Frank Siebenlist (ANL) Dave Snelling (Fujitsu) Latha Srinivasan (HP) Jem Treadwell (HP) Jay Unger (IBM) * Early discussion ** Revised April 5 minutes - Revised WS-Security statement - No comments, approved ** April 12 minutes - no comments, approved. ** Agenda bashing - No discussion of Infrastructure assumptions document today. Ian will send updated version next Monday. - Jay has sent security modification to Ian. * F2F meeting preparation - Logistics - Meeting room reserved at ANL - Arranging a room block at Guest House - Two (2) full day meetings (Tue & Wed) - Note that registration is needed to get in ANL - Any change in procedures? - People on visa waiver need to show visa waiver at the gate. Action: Hiro to send to list what participants have to do to get in ANL. > Done. - People attending: - OK: Frank, Jay, Jem, Fred, Hiro, Andreas - Probably: Bill, Latha (pending travel approval), Dave (no conflict) - Probably call-in: Dejan Action: Jay will ask Heather Kreger to come to F2F. Will let the group know next week. - Meeting agenda - WG has to put OGSA document final draft for GGF11 - A lot of things to do - Provisioning - Taxonomy? (Capabilities) - WSDM relation (and modelling) if Heather comes - and connection with taxonomy work - Security - ... - Side-notes: - Jay has personal conflict for GGF11. - Jay will not be on next call (Monday 4/19). Will attend next Wednesday (4/21). * OGSA glossary - Terms to be discussed "Grid" and "Virtual Organization" - Grid - Proposed definition taken from OGSA document - (Dave) A grid definition should cover at least 1. Distributed 2. Across administrative domains - The proposed definition covers 1 but not 2. - Jay's proposal: - "...integration, ... services and resources across heterogeneous environments .... collection of resources and users virtual organization ... across administrative and organizational domains (RO)" - Key points are to include terms such as resource, VO, administration, etc. - VO - Two definitions in OGSA document. - Merging them together still does not seem to cover all the nuances. Second definition is an operational one. - Decided to keep text in first definition and merge the first 1-2 sentences from the second definition. - Maybe contrast with RO? In that case make sure that the Grid definition also mentions RO. Action: Jem to update definitions and post again Action: Jem to post new terms for discussion next week. ("context?") * Provisioning capability discussion - Background - Provisioning definition as a cyclic activity (control loop) was discussed and rejected last week - Control loop is a more generic pattern. Pull it out of provisioning and rename (in this case) as "Service Level Attainement Loop" - Redefine provisioning as a straight line activity instead - Provisioning is one response to changing conditions; there are other. - Rather than revising last week's document produced new one to try and nail down the terms - Discussion focused on two points - Inclusion of "scheduling" step in provisioning activity - Provisioning as a recursive process (build things) - One major objection to current definition is inclusion of "scheduling" within provisioning (Jay) - Contrasted job execution scheduling to scheduling within provisioning - Scheduling from a provisioned pool vs getting things ready from an unconfigured pool (to provisioned) for use by the scheduler. - Some definitions/proposals put forward - scheduling: plan, choreograph, execute might be hierarchical - provisioning: changing configuration of resources making them available to scheduler - So a scheduler fault (no resources) might trigger a provisioning activity to make resources available. - There were two different next steps discussed - Provisioning would be given the resources to make ready and put in scheduler pool. So it would just carry out actions on specified resources. If it fails some higher level activity would have to be invoked to get more resources. - The provisioning activity would be told what to prepare. If no resources are available then it would request them from some other entity (scheduler?). But the scheduling activity itself is not inside provisioning. - (Jay) Would like to make separation between scheduling and provisioning clearer/wider - One question with this document is whether the "scheduling step" means that scheduling is inside provisioning. - Perhaps not a scheduling action but 'something' that is the result of a scheduling action? Proposal is to move scheduling out of provisioning. Define provisioning as just getting things ready. (Provisioner just carries out actions on specified resources.) - And avoid/minimize problems with recursive process in the current proposal. - Don't provision service; provision resources. It implies some recursion. - Might incur scheduling to get sufficient resources. - And recursiveness across scheduling and provisioning - Side discussion on relation between workload management, provisioning, scheduling. - Don't want to define strict hierarchy between these activities. They are interrelated. E.g., - scheduler creates agreement (top) - workload manager (closer to resource level) tries to attain them - scheduler, provisioner can break them (to maintain other agreements) - So provisioner may also have to reason about agreements Action: Jay to provide use-case-like scenarios to clarify relationship of provisioning/scheduling/workload mgmt by Monday and continue discussion on Wednesday from 8am JST (second hour of call) onwards. Work out details with Hiro (via IM). * AOB - Next Monday (Apr 19, 5-7pm CDT) - P.E. and Platform - CMM not ready. Skip. - Next Wednesday (Apr 21) - Provisioning, etc