OGSA Teleconference February 20, 2004 ===================================== * Participants Hiro Kishimoto (Fujitsu) Fred Maciel (Hitachi) Andreas Savva (Fujitsu) David Snelling (Fujitsu) Latha Srinivasan (HP) Jem Treadwell (HP) Jeffrin Von-Reich (HP) * Summary of Actions Action: Hiro to re-schedule document re-organization for next week. Action: Hiro to update schedule (for remaining 4! calls until GGF10) Action: Hiro to put GGF10 session plan online. Action: Jeffrin to divide and assign work. Action: Jeffrin to followup with Andrew Grimshaw on using professional proofreader. Action: Dave to ask CeC what is the best document type for OGSA UC document. * Agenda bashing - Document re-organization was scheduled for today but some key people not attending. Postponed. Action: Hiro to re-schedule document re-organization for next week. Action: Hiro to update schedule (for remaining 4! calls until GGF10) - GGF10 - Opening talk: Still trying to confirm Jeff Nick. - GGF session schedule/owner discussed at F2F. Updated version should be online on gridforge. Action: Hiro to put GGF10 session plan online. * UC document - As discussed at F2F: - 4 volunteers to review finished UCs. - Split the work. - Do technical review first and then do english review (using Andrew's proofreader hopefully). Action: Jeffrin to divide and assign work. Action: Jeffrin to followup with Andrew Grimshaw on using professional proofreader. - Deadline Feb 26 for all content update. - No GGF deadline (as far as we know) - UC document is going to the GGF Editor so GGF deadline is not important (but we want to submit it for GGF). - Document type: Currently it is "Community Practice." - Not sure it this is right. Maybe "Informational?" Action: Dave to ask CeC what is the best document type for OGSA UC document. - As agreed during the F2F, incomplete UCs (@Feb'26) will be split out in a separate document and merged back in at a later stage. * Updated Teleconference schedule Move doc re-org next week; 23 or 26. - 2/23: no use case; leave the rest - 2/26: WS-Naming (only) - 3/1: Security, use case (content review; send for english review after this) - 3/4: GGF10 preparation, producer/consumer Agreed to drop Management and Logging discussion from the schedule.