OGSA Teleconference February 16, 2004 ===================================== * Participants Andrew Grimshaw (UVa) Bill Horn (IBM) Hiro Kishimoto (Fujitsu) Takashi Kojo (NEC) Fred Maciel (Hitachi) Andreas Savva (Fujitsu) Chris Smith (Platform) * Summary of Actions Action: Andrew to rewrite vault explanation to make it clearer and also address relationship/contrast with existing work. Action: Andrew to delete implementation details such as "may have job service portype i/f" from JM description. Action: Andrew to rename EPS to scheduling service. Action: Delete compatibility services (it is a subfunction of candidate set generator) * F2F minutes - Draft distributed to participants. - No feedback yet. Andreas to wait for another day or so before posting on gridforge. * PE Architecture - Andrew made a number of revisions based on F2F discussion. For example, deleted the job wrapper i/f. - Still using OGSI terms (GSH). - Confirmed that OGSA will not define detailed i/fs; other groups will do that. - For the GGF10 (PE) draft stay with paragraph style informal descriptions for all the proposed services/interfaces. ** Document review Ref: http://www-unix.gridforum.org/mail_archive/ogsa-wg/2004/02/msg00029.html - Job document: logically single document; might be separate (physical) documents. Can be retrieved independently. - The term 'subclass' may be provocative; consider changing. - 'Types' of interfaces is what we are really talking about. (classes/subclasses give the wrong flavor.) - Vault is new; introduced after the F2F. - Resources have manageability i/f; there is some redundancy in the text. - 'Vault will have methods to get a "handle" ...Called "persistent address"' - This sounds a bit like WS-Resource. The explanation is not clear. - A vault contains data/state. If you want to move the data/state to some other place you need to have a 'handle' on it. - The scenario here is different from the one in data mgmt; they deal with grid exposed entities while here the 'contained entity' is not directly exposed. - Checkpoint/migration is one use case. - One way to look at the vault is as a metadata repository - access it as grid service - What you get back is not a 'grid entity' - but something that depends on the back-end environment implementation. Action: Andrew to rewrite vault explanation to make it clearer and also address relationship/contrast with existing work. - Job Manager - No changes - Can manage multiple jobs - Workflow manager as example of job manager. Action: Andrew to delete implementation details such as "may have job service portype i/f" from JM description. - EPS - Name is wrong. It is a scheduler. Action: Andrew to rename EPS to scheduling service. - CSG - Might be embedded in a scheduler - Still useful to have it as a separate 'entity'/interface - Discussion on name: add 'container' to make the name more specific. - Results have no implied ordering/preference. - Ordering/preference is a scheduler function. - (But an implementation would be free to add more information.) - Information Services - Not part of PE. Used by PE. - Deployment configuration service - Not part of PE. Used by PE. - Reservation services - Will probably have to come back to it when WS-Agreement gets better defined - (Ability to make them & bind to them. Binding is implementation specific.) - Reference to accounting here needs more clarification. - Auditing/Billing/Logging/Accounting - Not part of PE. Used by PE. - Need to distinguish between them. - The definitions here are from the point of view of what PE needs. - Logging - Collects/maintains the information (persistency attribute). The base service for the rest of the functions in this group. - Accounting - The scheduler uses this kind of information but does not maintain it. E.g., Check that the 'user' has credit to use this resource. - Auditing - A 'consumer' (or specific application) of logging; e.g., non-repudiation function. - Metering - Attaches meaning to data retrieved from logging, e.g., measure resource consumption. - Billing (out of scope as agreed in a previous teleconf) - Uses the information from logging etc to bill consumer. - Compatibility services Action: Delete compatibility services (it is a subfunction of candidate set generator) - Monitoring - Used by job manager - CMM/WSDM defining base interface. [Someone] will have to extent it for job monitoring. - Fault-detection/Recovery - Important but is not be just PE related. It is needed by OGSA in general. - Skip both for now and revisit at a later point and in a broader context. - License - a type of resource. - Queueing - There are queues at various points, e.g., scheduler, JM etc. - What is different here? (Why have it as a separate entity?) - Some discussion on 'queued' as a job state and that a 'queue' is just a view into the current mapping of the scheduler or job manager. - Might be a function of the JM. - Agreed to remove it.