OGSA Teleconference - January 8, 2004 ===================================== * Participants Abdeslem Djaoui (RL) Steve Fisher (RL) Bill Horn (IBM) Hiro Kishimoto (Fujitsu) Fred Maciel (Hitachi) James Magowan (IBM, Hursley) Benny Rocheberg (IBM) Andreas Savva (Fujitsu) Jem Treadwell (HP) James Warnes (IBM) Apologies: Andrew Grimshaw, Frank Siebenlist, David Snelling. Minutes: Andreas Savva * Summary of Actions ** From review of [Proposed_Logger_Service_Description] Action: Hiro to add a Requirements section in the template. Action: Bill to change "OGSA Logger system" to "OGSA Logging Service." Action: Bill to check whether 'supplier' and 'consumer' are in the OGSA glossary and add them if necessary. Action: Bill to add more desription on QoS. Action: This ordering statement seems too specific for the OGSA document. It is probably ok to go into this level of detail in the more specific document. Bill to revise. Action: Bill to drop the lines "This timestamp...time" Action: Bill to add more explanation on the location of filtering. Action: Bill to motivate the "Create LogStream" feature better or drop it from the document. Action: Bill to provide more explanation on the significance of the acknowledgement. Action: Bill to add reference to OGSI. And position wrt OGSI. Action: Hiro to come up with initial UML guidelines. Action: Bill to look into any IBM UML guidelines and provide input. Action: Bill to add OGSI in underlying services ** From [OGSA_Logger_and_GMA] discussion Action: Hiro to arrange for a continuation of this discussion at a subsequent teleconference. Thursdays are preferred by GMA participants since most are based in Europe. (Changing the Monday timeslot to one hour earlier is another possibility.) * Early discussion ** Minutes 2003/12/11 - No comments, approved ** Minutes 2003/12/18 - Approval postponed - Approval postponed as they were posted a very short time before the call. ** AOB - Include discussion of the [OGSA_Logger_and_GMA] document submitted on the list. - The teleconference reservation for this time slot expired last year. Hiro, Steve Tuecke and David Snelling arranged for a new reservation which should last another year. * Information and Messaging discussion ** [Proposed_Logger_Service_Description] Proposed addition to the OGSA document. Bill gave an overview of effort leading up to this draft. (Started as special topic, separate teleconfs, etc.) Worked a lot on the requirements. *** Requirements section (6.13.1) Requirements section (6.13.1) is not in template but felt it is a good idea to put it in. (Hiro) There is a separate requirements section in the OGSA document. But having more detailed requirements section for each service sounds good. Action: Hiro to add a Requirements section in the template. (Hiro) 'System' in "OGSA Logger system" does not sound appropriate. Maybe use Service. Action: Bill to change "OGSA Logger system" to "OGSA Logging Service." (Hiro) This text uses 'supplier' and 'consumer'. GMA uses 'producer' and 'consumer'. Do we need uniform terminology? Different groups use different terminology for what may be the same concept. It's ok as long as terms are used consistently within one piece of work. Action: Bill to check whether 'supplier' and 'consumer' are in the OGSA glossary and add them if necessary. *** Action: Bill to add more desription on QoS. *** Section ( "The timestamps used for ordering should be established by the Logger subsystem and not the application." - Specifies that the ordering is done by the system. Timestamps are a minimum requirement. - An application can add its own application-specific data for application-specific ordering. - In GMA you can use the system time if it's good enough. But if you have access to more precise time you can use that instead. Action: This ordering statement seems too specific for the OGSA document. It is probably ok to go into this level of detail in the more specific document. Bill to revise. "This timestamp should include be expressed in GMT and include the offset between GMT and Local time." - Specify UTC rather than GMT - The "local time" is the time at the node's location. Action: Bill to drop the lines "This timestamp...time" *** Action: Bill to add more explanation on the location of filtering. *** Create logstream - What is the purpose of this feature? A use case might be useful. - A way to create a 'private' logstream or 'sub-logstream' E.g., Start a new stream from an existing one by applying a filter. It's a convenience mechanism. (Some discussion on where this feature came from. Nothing definite.) Action: Bill to motivate the "Create LogStream" feature better or drop it from the document. *** Synchronous and Asynchronous Write Semantics ''Some applications require an acknowledgement for every write.'' - The Logger sends an acknowledgement to the application. Action: Bill to provide more explanation on the significance of the acknowledgement. *** Coexistence with OGSA Messaging (Bill) Semantics of logging and messaging are different. *** Secure Logs - May have additional requirements section to add here. It is a placeholder for more security discussion. *** 6.13.2 Detailed list of services - (Hiro) Would like more information in this section. For example, more description on the operations, filters etc. These appear in the UML diagram but not described in subsequent sections. - (Bill) Not sure what is the appropriate level of detail for this document. - Order of detailed services section - Maybe change ordering of sections to make it from the point view of the consumer [of the document]. - At the moment using the ordering of the top part of the uml diagram - Agreed that the current ordering is fine. - Bottom part of UML diagram - Depicts implementation or inheritance of interface. NOT dependencies. Action: Bill to add reference to OGSI. And position wrt OGSI. - Side-discussion on UML notation of the diagram For example, what is the meaning of the icons on the left side of operations. If they are not standard icons they should be dropped. (The tool that produced this diagram was Rational Rose. Some free tools exist such as ArgoUML, MagicUML. DMTF uses Visio. Should everyone working on the OGSA document use the same tool?) Agreed that doing UML is a good idea. But we should have a consistent way to do things in the OGSA document. Eventually we should have guidelines. (It may be too early to worry about style. Keep it simple and revisit later when we have some more stuff.) Action: Hiro to come up with initial UML guidelines. Action: Bill to look into any IBM UML guidelines and provide input. *** 6.13.3 ``standard schema/document'' - (Bill) Unsure what, if anything should go here. - The event schema is one candidate. - But the event schema would be covered by the event section. (And the event section might not have any services.) - Clarified that this section is not for WSDL or ServiceData descriptions. - Agreed that there is nothing appropriate for the Logger Service. *** 6.13.4 ``Underlying services'' - Action: Bill to add OGSI in underlying services - Not clear if Policy&Agreement should be here - Decided to keep it as is, and revisit when policy/agreement becomes more clear. *** 6.13.5 ``Related Standards'' - Clarified that something MUST be a standard to go here. - Action: Hiro to decide how to format this section. ** [Messaging_Logging_Directory_Patterns] Updated presentation to address comments from last review. ** "Messaging, Logging, & Directory Patterns" p2 - Added existing technologies to each pattern (Blue box) - Core meaning of pattern (Brown box) - Relevant ogsa section for this pattern (Green box) - Problem with OGSA/OGSI in distinguishing/separating discovery and directory. - The OGSA explanation relating to directory/naming pattern seems weak. ** [OGSA_Logger_and_GMA] - The core issue is how information services are structured. Not just logging but how do the information services relate to discovery or other services. - The key question is what is more fundamental: logging or information services. (Logging is used as an example; GMA can be used for other patterns.) - GMA group positions logging on top of information services - Bill thinks logging is lower level. Mainly due to the special (performance) requirements placed on logging. - GMA group tried to do information services on top of logging and had problems. But doing logging on top of information services was feasible. - GMA services in OGSA would be similar to JMS. What sits between them can be implemented in different ways - The proposal is that all 3 patterns (messaging/logging/directory) should(could) be built on GMA GMA providing interfaces for producer/consumer RGMA also provides plumbing between supplier/consumer (Bill) Does 'plumbing' mean wsdl and bindings? (Abdeslem) No. The engine of transfer and delivery. (Abdeslem) The persistency between supplier and consumer would be a function of the intermediary. The intermediary can support different characteristics. - RGMA is a relational implementation but other implementations are also ok. - Some GMA pieces are fundamental while other pieces are higher level. - Would RGMA belong in section 4 or 6 of the OGSA document? It is not clear how to proceed. Action: Hiro to arrange for a continuation of this discussion at a subsequent teleconference. Thursdays are preferred by GMA participants since most are based in Europe. (Changing the Monday timeslot to one hour earlier is another possibility.) * References [Proposed_Logger_Service_Description] updated January 6 https://forge.gridforum.org/projects/ogsa-wg/document/proposed_logger_service_description_V1.doc/en/1 [Messaging_Logging_Directory_Patterns] https://forge.gridforum.org/projects/ogsa-wg/document/Messaging_-_Logging_-_Directory_Patterns_for_JAN_08_OGSA-WG_Teleconference_Discussions/en/1 [Logging_service_overview] https://forge.gridforum.org/projects/ogsa-wg/document/Logging_service_overview_0.6_0.3/en/1 [OGSA_Logger_System_V9] https://forge.gridforum.org/projects/ogsa-wg/document/OGSA_Logger_System_V9/en/1 [OGSA_Logger_and_GMA] http://www-unix.gridforum.org/mail_archive/ogsa-wg/2004/01/msg00009.html