OGSA Teleconference January 5, 2004 ==================================== * Participants Andrew Grimshaw (UVa) Bill Horn (IBM) Hiro Kishimoto (Fujitsu) Takashi Kojo (NEC) Fred Maciel (Hitachi) Tom Maguire (IBM) Andreas Savva (Fujitsu) Frank Siebenlist (ANL) Jem Treadwell (HP) Ming Xu (Platform) Minutes: Andreas Savva * Summary of Actions Action: Andrew to talk with the Sealodge about the F2F dates (8-11). Action: Takashi to make clearer what functionality is in the scope of CDDLM. Action: Takashi to make clear whether it is within the scope of CDDLM to also define services and what those services would be. Action: Bill and Hiro to co-ordinate next teleconference preparation. >Done * Previous minutes approval - postponed - Minutes of Dec 11, and Dec 18 not ready at this time. Apologies. * F2F update Andrew recommended staying at the Sealodge (http://www.ljbtc.com/sealodge/). He has talked with the Sealodge giving February 9-11 as the dates. Ask for the SDSC (Gov) rate which should be around 120 USD. Hiro and some other people coming from abroad are planning to arrive on the 8th and leave on the 11. (Some people may leave earlier.) Action: Andrew to talk with the Sealodge about the F2F dates (8-11). * CDDLM See "References" for the relevant documents. ** Summary of discussion The emphasis of the explanation was on the language aspect of CDDLM and not so much on what services are going to be defined. It was not clear what is in scope of CDDLM and how it would fit in OGSA. This topic has to be re-visited at a later date to address the scope and services questions. The rest of this section captures some of the discussion. ** Discussion *** [OGSA_provisioning_and_CDDLM_slide_presentation] **** Application and Infrastructure (p4) - (Ming) What is application management? - (Takashi) Managing application components such as program, or contents, database schema, etc. - (Ming) Is the aim to replace current system mgmt software or work with them? e.g., what is the relation with Tivoli, OpenView, etc. - (Takashi) Existing systems would be in the infrastructure layer. - (Takashi) Application management is on the demand side. Infrastructure is supply side. - (Hiro) Not clear that application mgmt is on the demand side. - (Fred) One could view application as a resource (manageable entity) - (Andrew) Do you envision provisioning as dynamic (triggered automatically and completing in short time, e.g., seconds) or is it a longer process, possibly incorporating manual operations? - (Takashi) Both. **** Provisioning grid (p6) Scope or area covered by CDDLM: deployment and lifecycle. - (Ming) Be more precise with the boundaries and what functionality is within scope. - (Takashi) It will be addressed in the CDDLM document in more detail. - (Hiro) p8 of foundation lists functionalities supported by lifecycle mgmt. Action: Takashi to make clearer what functionality is in the scope of CDDLM. **** Program execution components (p7) - (Ming) What would PE execution and monitoring map to in this figure? - (Takashi) Job Management::Monitor Status and Scheduler::Initiate/Terminate - (Ming) And resource allocation planning? - (Takashi) It is a function of the resource broker. - (Hiro) Propose using PE defined words. (Refer to Andrew's doc from last year, Dec.18) - (Ming) We should match edges/interfaces with other components, e.g., program execution. - (Hiro) Process point: It's ok to skip the CDDLM use cases (section 4 of [CDDLM Foundation]) at the moment. We should extract the underlying services for inclusion in the ogsa document. **** CDDLM (Configuration language) (p8) - (Ming) Any plans to use WS-Policy as a base language? - (Takashi) Have not really considered WS-Policy. - (Hiro) WS-Policy may not be appropriate to describe configuration information. The requirements (what needs to be expressed) are different. *** [CDL_to_Deployment] - (Takashi): Terminology may not be consistent and some words may be used interchangeably - component and configuration - composition and compilation **** CDL to deployable format (p2) - (Andrew) What is the meaning of transforms, and what do you end up with? Are we talking about states or documents (deployed contents). An example would be useful. - (Takashi) Meaning preserving transforms. Walking through a CDL example might help. *** Component description language [OGSA-Provisiong:XML-based CDL] It is still in the early stages and details may change. 2 layers: 1. base generic language 2. component specific language Rest of the explanation based on [OGSA-Provisiong:XML-based CDL]. *** Smartfrog to XML-CDL - (Example is smartfrog; due to origins of the WG) - Doing translation from SF to XML-CDL at the moment. - Component is collection attribute-value pairs - Inter-component references - Parameterized components - Nested components - (Andrew) This seems too abstract. Have not really been thinking about this problem in terms of a configuration language, but in terms of actions & state transitions that take you to the state of having provisioned something. This example doesn't say much about provisioning. (Andrew's defintion is that deployment is provisioning, or at least part of it.) All the explanation has been declarative. Is there also service description? (E.g., Description of actions to take in addition to description of what the configured result is.) - (Takashi) Using PE components as example the scheduler/broker would choose what resource to use and where, the ground description would be generated [which would then be processed by some other component]. - (Andrew) Is it within the CDDLM scope to also define services needed to carry out the deployment service from start to finish? - (Hiro) Do not need detailed description of deployment service(s) at this moment but do need to know what CDDLM wil provide OGSA. - (Andrew) For example, in addition to the language based description a service that given GSHS (factory) it deploys the required services on some other service or resource. I.e., "Make it so that I can run this service in this container." Might also make deployment request to make sure that my service can be run on this container (Legion binary cache manager was raised as an example here.) Action: Takashi to make clear whether it is within the scope of CDDLM to also define services and what services would be defined. *** References [OGSA_provisioning_and_CDDLM_slide_presentation] https://forge.gridforum.org/projects/ogsa-wg/document/OGSA_provisioning_and_CDDLM_slide_presentation/en/2 [CDDLM Foundation] http://www-unix.gridforum.org/mail_archive/cddlm-wg/Archive/msg00066.html [CDL_to_Deployment] https://forge.gridforum.org/projects/ogsa-wg/document/CDDLM-WG_overview_slide_presentation/en/1 [OGSA-Provisiong:XML-based CDL] http://www-unix.gridforum.org/mail_archive/ogsa-wg/Archive/msg00630.html * Next call preparation Next call is scheduled to be Logging/Monitoring. Information related services overview - Ch.4 of OGSA (logging, monitoring, event, messaging) - Discuss Ch.6 1. Review logging service descriprion 2. Architecture description of information services Action: Bill and Hiro to co-ordinate next teleconference preparation. >Done Next call apologies: Andrew Grimshaw