OGSA Teleconference November 06, 2003 ===================================== * Participants Hariharan Balakrishnan (IBM) Dave Berry (UK NeSc) Andrew Grimshaw (UoV) Hiro Kishimoto (Fujitsu) Fred Maciel (Hitachi) Takuya Mori (NEC) Andreas Savva (Fujitsu) Frank Siebenlist (ANL) Ravi Subramaniam (Intel) Jem Treadwell (HP) Jeffrin Von-Reich (HP) Apologies: David Snelling - telephone problems. Bill Horn - Calendar conflicts Minutes: Andreas Savva * Last teleconference Minutes - approved * Agenda bashing / AOB * Liaisons - HK made up an excel sheet. Added some other obvious groups, e.g., OGSI. - Do we add OGSA-DAI? - They are not a GGF working group. So not in this table. Proposal: Consider whether we also want to expand liaisons to cover non-GGF WG/RGs. - Call for volunteers: - Do read again the minutes from last time & make sure you know what it means before volunteering. [Following list is incomplete; refer to the excel sheet.] - OGSI: David Snelling - CMM: Fred Maciel - DAIS: Jay Unger, Ian Foster wrote the section in the OGSA doc. (Andrew Grimshaw also wants to contribute here.) - RUS: Bill Horn - DRMAA: Andrew Grimshaw - OGSA-AuthZ: Frank Siebenlist & Takura Mori Proposal: Have more than one person assigned to each group since it might be a lot of work. (Putting one person in charge and getting other people to help may also be a good model.) Action: Hiro to update excel sheet and confirm volunteers. ** Glossary - AG uploaded to tracker. - It is a starting point; add your definitions. - At the moment keep as a separate doc. Action: AG to upload to "working drafts: ogsa" folder. ** Time slot for PE focus session (Mondays) - No good choice: - 5pm eastern: RS has another meeting - 6pm eastern is midnight in Europe - Decided to move the time to 6 eastern. Agreed: There will be a PE teleconference the week of the F2F. ** Upcoming teleconfs - Next week may be the last chance to have quorum before the F2F. - 2 weeks away is SC2003. - 3 weeks away is Thanksgiving. Please let HK know if you can/can't attend the upcoming teleconfs. * Working Group schedule ** OGSA document - HK: Apologies no concrete proposal yet. Action: Determine who has pen. (Probably with Dave Snelling.) HK to confirm. ** Use Case - Aim to put in public comment review at GGF10. - It is an informational document but it still has to go through some procedure. (GFSC has finally say.) - First step is to get revised UCs from the people they were assigned to. - Agreed: Get people to review the document and comment. - Some sections may change. Don't want comment on those sections just yet. - Review only the already revised ones. - Referring to the tracker there are 4 use cases that need to be revised. Action: JvR to make a list of sections that will change/are stable and send to the list to solicit comments/reviews. - Template document is on gridforge if people want to contribute new use cases. - AG recalls contributing data use cases a long time ago. They don't seem to be in the document now. Action: AG to look into (re-)submit data use cases. - Reminder: HK also has an action to solicit use cases from the APPARG group. * Tracker item review General comment: Skipped items assigned to people not on the call. ** Platform tracker > Artifact ID Subject Status Priority Assigned To > ----------------------------------------------- > 130 Missing services (Sec. 3.2) Assigned - Jay Unger > 128 Service Domain Service Collection Assigned - Jay Unger > 413 Need more detail in discovery section Assigned - Ian Foster > 411 VO modifications agreed at 20030903-04 F2F Assigned - Jay Unger > 421 Add support for self-* features Assigned - Ian Foster > 407 Possible to decorate a VO with policy. Assigned - Jay Unger > 408 VO create and add/remote are separate operations Assigned - Jay Unger > 126 Profiles Assigned - Ian Foster Skip. > 356 Revise section 5 using service template Assigned - Ian Foster Done for GGF9. > 353 Add a glossary Assigned - Andrew Grimshaw Initial draft posted to tracker. See discussion above. > 533 Fill in empty sections in ogsa doc (relative to v013) Open - Hiro > Kishimoto New. Raise awareness of empty sections. > 537 OGSA approach to security standards Open 1 Hiro Kishimoto - Keep assigned to one of the chairs as it deals with the group's direction. - 'Real' work subcontracted to other people, e.g., FS, TM. > 125 Services not Interfaces Assigned 3 Ian Foster > 351 Add text on "What is OGSA" Assigned 3 Ian Foster > 409 portType for VO members to describe memberships Assigned 3 Jay > Unger Skip. > 436 Review Comments from Jeff Nick Open 3 David Snelling In progress. > 446 Additional text for taxonomy & hierarchy sections Open 3 David > Snelling > 518 Grid scheduling issues summary as input to OGSA document Open 3 David > Snelling > 525 Add deployment service description Open 3 Takashi Kojo skip. > 541 Update excel sheet that summarized Jeff's comments Open 3 Hiro > Kishimoto Will update. (Looking for notes from GGF9 session. If anyone has any please forward to Hiro.) > 492 Update Logging section Open 4 Bill Horn BH is out of town. HB gave update. > Topic tracker > ------------- > Artifact ID Subject Status Priority Assigned To > 504 Arrange Dec. 2003 F2F Open 1 Hiro Kishimoto Dates and place fixed. Remaining is arranging entry to ANL. Action: IF to make arrangements for attendees to enter ANL and let people know what to do. >Started. > 542 Discuss charter update and new schedule for WG Open 1 Hiro Kishimoto Action: Co-chairs plus AG, DS to draft proposal by next teleconf. > 501 Draw up series of PE agendas(4) leading up to the Dec. F2F Open 2 Andrew > Grimshaw Pending. > 132 OGSA-WG's role wrt to other GGF OGSA related WGs Assigned 2 Hiro > Kishimoto - Still a hot topic. It is being talked about in the GFSC. - OGSA-WG isn't trying to dictate anything to other groups; just to have better communication with them. It's necessary since we are trying to define an architecture. Action: Co-chairs + AG + DS to draft up a memo explaining why the OGSA-WG finds it necessary to think such things. > 314 Information on GT3 service definition Assigned 2 Ian Foster Skip. > 419 Discuss OGSA branding at GGF9 Assigned 2 Hiro Kishimoto One of the things we have to work out with the GFSC. They raised objections on official branding. HK is owner. > 535 Arrange Jan or Feb 2004 F2F Open 2 Hiro Kishimoto Date to be fixed next week (11/16). Place to be decided later on. Action: Send your availability to Hiro if you haven't done so already. > 540 Produce list of WGs from GGF9 sessions and ask for volunteer liaisons Open > 2 Hiro Kishimoto Already discussed. > 500 Write up how we expect people to relate to OGSA Open 3 Ravi Subramaniam Pending. > 502 Send out minutes from GGF9 PE subgroup private session. Open 3 Andrew > Grimshaw AG had to drop off early. Pending. > 503 Send out annoucement of logging subgroup's extended agenda Open 3 Bill > Horn - HB: Bill Horn couldn't attend. Will remnd him. Pending. > 519 Symmetry issue to be put to GRAAP-WG Open 3 David Snelling - Jon MacLaren has raised this issue on the graap-wg mailing list. - Clarified that DS owns this issue but his role is just to track the discussion. > 404 IP problems with WS-Agreement using WS-Policy Assigned 3 Jay Unger Skip. > 534 Talk with Jeff Nick and straighten things out on group's focus Open 3 > David Snelling - Recap of last week's minutes. - Co-chairs (+DS) should talk this over. > 536 Look into hosting Jan/Feb F2F at an Intel Sunnyvale facility Open 3 Ravi > Subramaniam Correction: Intel facility is in Santa Clara not Sunnyvale. Required: - internet connection - projector Desirable: - printer - copier > 538 Review OGSA-SEC documents and summarize to group Open 3 Takuya Mori In progress. > 453 Define a process for spawning subgroups & GGF WGs Open 4 Hiro Kishimoto - 'subgroup' is deprecated. Looking for a new term. - We don't define a formal process. - May be partly covered by the charter discussion. > 447 Produce a roadmap document Open 4 Jeff Nick This doesn't refer to implementation. Done at the specification level. > 520 Do a draft normative rendering of OGSA in terms of current standards Open > 4 Hiro Kishimoto The above two issues (447, 520) are phrased differently but probably refer to the same thing. Consider merging. > 422 Policy examples are needed Assigned 4 Jay Unger > 410 Identify WG doing VO work Assigned 4 Ian Foster Skip. > 454 Spawn Logging WG Open 5 Bill Horn GGF10. > > Use case tracker > ---------------- > Artifact ID Subject Status Priority Assigned To > 423 Update RealityGrid use case to v2 Assigned - David Snelling > 424 Update P2P use case to v2 Assigned - Andreas Savva > 425 Update Persistent Archives use case to v2 Assigned - Takuya Mori Send update to people assigned. > 505 Update IT Infrastructure and management use case to v2 Open - Jeffrin J. > Von Reich Ravi's UC. Assigned to JvR as he is default owner of all UC issues. > 539 Ask for Use Cases from the Appliance Aggregation group Open 2 Hiro > Kishimoto Pending.