OGSA-WG Teleconference -- 23 October 2003 ========================================= * Participants David Berry (UK NeSC) Bill Horn (IBM) Hiro Kishimoto (Fujitsu) Takuya Mori (NEC) Fred Maciel (Hitachi) Andreas Savva (Fujitsu) Frank Siebenlist (ANL) David Snelling (Fujitsu) Jeffrin Von-Reich (HP) Ravi Subramaniam (Intel) Chris Smith (Platform) Jem Treadwell (HP) Minutes: Andreas Savva * Last teleconf minutes - approved * Agenda bashing - Jeff is travelling and can't join. Postpone the comments discussion. * Next F2F - Note that we are planning 2 F2F meetings. There are 2 pages in the spreadsheet Hiro sent out. One for Dec the other for Feb. Also note the location preference. Some people indicated that the likelihood of availability may vary. - Agreed: Spreadsheet should also allow people to indicate 'likelihood'. - Other possible dates discussed: - Post SC2003(Arizona) (e.g., 11/21,22) - Post GlobusWorld(California) - Only Ian has expressed a strong preference for Chicago. (May not be able to attend otherwise.) - Proposal: Do a 3 day meeting. - But then we'd probable like time in the middle to tackle homework. - Comments: - Indicating preferences on the spreadsheet does not imply a hard commitment --- people's availability may change. - Preferred: Can probably make it. - Available: May be able to make it but inconvenient. - Action: Hiro to re-send spreadsheet and add 'likelihood' as an option. * GGF9 minutes - approved - PDFs are readable (checked by Ravi) - Action: Ravi to send his notes from platform session to Andreas. (>Done). - Action: Fix AuthZ name in Core session minutes is wrong. (>Done). * GGF9 cross session summary - continue from GESA ** GESA - Want to be part of OGSA. Exploring relationship with GRAAP & JSDL. - Dave mentioned Jon MacLaren (NeSC) workshop presentation. A summary of the issues covered there (and in other presentations) might make a good addition to Scheduler/PE section. - Workshop: http://www.nesc.ac.uk/action/esi/contribution.cfm?Title=309 - Bill: Is GESA in OGSA or on top, e.g., using OGSA? - Ravi: 2 perspectives - Agency that sells things in marketplace - Mechanism built in architecture - Agreed: Keep watching. - Action: Decide how they fit with us --- inside as part of architecture or on top. - Action: DaveB & Dave to make document (summary mentioned above) for inclusion to OGSA doc. - GESA uses WS-Agreement; WS-Agreement is part of architecture & GESA pushes down on their requirements; so they are engaged with us. - Mismatches: - WS-Agreement model - client initiates and server responds. But in GESA the other way round is also possible. Resources can bid for work. - Currently GESA is ogsi-compliant; looking for OGSA 'compliance'. - Action: Symmetry issue to be put to GRAAP-WG. Owner is probably GESA-WG but Dave to monitor. * Core session -------------- ** OGSA-SEC - Alignment with OGSA doc - Are there any holes between grid security and ws-security? - Probably, but not clear yet. - Is proxy based delegation included in the long term? Agreed: Since Frank had to drop out early skip OGSA-Sec and AuthZ discussion for next time. Agreed: Tell people in advance (on the list) that we'll discuss these topics and get them to join discussion. Agreed: Keep watching ** AuthZ - OGSI based. Agreed: Keep watching - Comments: - Is fine grain authorization (sde or port level or operation) in OGSI? - Not yet; But might have some capability (annotations) in WSDL-1.2 to extend operations. - SDE: could include info in SDE about visibility, access, etc. ** RUS - Want to be part of OGSA. Relation with UR, GESA. - Bill: Parallel (tactical) ogsi-compliance and (strategy) ogsa-compliance approach. - RUS is user of UR. View UR as more generic than job usage. - RUS is intended to be part of OGSA. ** UR - Content definition. No obvious conflict. - UR seems to be focused on batch jobs; what about network usage etc. - Nice xml schema for resource consumption of batch jobs - Group considers itself finished. - Does it belong in our document? - Need standard way to represent resource metrics - Put it in as informative reference to normative document. See [(*) Other discussion] further down. - Proposal: It might be an interesting to formulate it in our document as a resource usage event. - Agreed: We need something in this area and no group is doing what we want. * Platform session ------------------ ** CMM - Most work moved to OASIS-WSDM. Do gap analysis to find new niche. - CMM was spawned by OGSA. ** P2P - Working on requirements. Feedback to OGSA. - Agreed: OGSA should be able to support P2P. - So getting requirements is important. - Fundamentally OGSI can(should be) able to support this model; services are peers. - Agreed: Have to be careful that OGSA(?) service definition does not assume client/server model. - Comments: - P2P is wider than what's in this(OGSA-P2P) group. - Agreed: We have to re-visit this topic. Defer more general issues (e.g., asymmetry) to another teleconf or to the F2F. * Still remaining: AA (*) Other discussion - Proposal: The OGSA document should contain no normative references to current wgs; so as to allow for change. - Proposal: Do two definitions: 1) an abstract definition not depending in a normative way to existing stuff. 2) Follow it up with a concrete definition (rendering of the abstract definition) using current stuff. - Action: Do a draft normative rendering of OGSA in terms of current standards (~1 page?) >Hiro. (This is not urgent.)