OGSA-WG Teleconference -- 11 September 2003 =========================================== * Participants Shel Finkelstein (SUN) Andrew Grimshaw (UoV) Bill Horn (IBM) Hiro Kishimoto (Fujitsu) Fred Maciel (Hitachi) Takuya Mori (NEC) Andreas Savva (Fujitsu) Frank Siebenlist (ANL) Ravi Subramaniam (Intel) Jeffrin Von Reich (HP) (Minutes: Andreas) * F2F minutes: no comments - approved Some people haven't looked at them yet. Send comments to the list or in the next teleconf. * AOB ** GridForge tracker discussion - Proposal to use some kind of ID (e.g., "20030911-1") to connect issues with the place they refer to in the document(s) and to the place where there is more explanation on them, e.g., minutes. - Each issue has a unique artifact id; could use it in the document(s) to refer to the specific issue, if necessary. - Current practice for issues uploaded from minutes is to include as part of the explanation the minutes they came from. (Andreas) - General agreement that tracking resolutions (from meetings) is a good idea (in addition to open issues) - Proposal to group resolutions in separate tracker - It's unclear whether it is preferable to use a separate tracker or to use fields within existing trackers to capture this information. Actions: - All should have a look at the trackers and the functionality that's there now. In particular the filtering/sorting features. ** Check that the posted time for the teleconf is correct. (Hiro checked after the teleconf and it is correct.) ** Gridforge accounts People active in the group should create accounts so that issues can be assigned to them. * OGSA document (aka Platform) - Document process/preparation for GGF9 - There is not a lot of time left. Waiting for the teleconf to discuss things is too slow. - Agreed to address topics on the list or sub-group teleconfs, and use these teleconfs mainly for status updates. - GGF9 document submission deadline is Sep. 19. Might have to submit an early(incomplete) draft and send/upload an (unofficial) update later. - The process to set up sub-groups has started. (See trackers below) * Tracker Review Reviewed existing tracker items. (Note: List is sorted by artifact number; use a better sorting next time, e.g., priority or group.) 348 Produce outline for section 4 Open - Ian Foster - Owner is Fred. - Closed. 405 What are our orchestation requirements? Open - <None> - Assign to Shel (Hiro to check if that's ok) 406 Handle resolution issues to address Open 3 <None> - Owner is Frank. 412 What should the security description contain Open - Ian Foster - Owner is Frank. 132 OGSA-WG's role wrt to other GGF OGSA related WGs Open 2 Hiro Kishimoto - We have been working on this. - Open. 355 Get list of grid enabled applications Open 3 Hiro Kishimoto - Agreed not to try and define what is a grid enabled application. - Closed (Obsolete). 402 Setup program execution subgroup Open 3 Andrew Grimshaw - Planning to schedule one for next Thursday (9/18). Time still undecided. - Andrew is working with a graduate student on a strawman based on Ravi's text. Expect a draft/agenda/rules of engagements for teleconf by Monday/Tuesday. 414 Events draft Open - Andrew Grimshaw - Working on draft starting from principles. In particular addressing model and objectives. - Agreed that it should be something that doesn't go to great depth but is good enough to talk about at GGF and to put in OGSA document. - A longer document should be done separately. - Agreement that ultimately we are looking at a schema definition. 415 Setup event/logging/metering... subgroup Open - <None> - Owner is Bill(no gridforge account yet) - Bill (& Jim) planning an event/logging/metering... teleconf for the week of 9/21. - Strawman up by then. 416 Invite DRMAA to which GGF9 session Open 3 Hiro Kishimoto 417 Notify other WGs of GGF9 OGSA session process Open - Hiro Kishimoto - Open 418 Add Grid File Systems RG(WG?) to GGF9 OGSA session Open - Hiro Kishimoto - Hiro has already talked with them about attending. - Note that it's still a BoF not a RG/WG. - There's been a lot of work in this area already. We should make sure they have done the needed review work. - Closed. 419 Discuss OGSA branding at GGF9 Open - Hiro Kishimoto - Talked with Satoshi Matsuoka about it. He recommended making a formal proposal to the GFSC. - Open. 422 Policy examples are needed Open - <None> - Owner is Jay (or maybe Jeffrin) New issues: - Andrew to send link to fault tolerance dissertation. * Use case update by Jeffrin - New version of use case document sent to the list. - Reminder to people who volunteered to update use cases that they should send their drafts to Jeffrin (Dave, Andreas, Takuya).