OGSA-WG Teleconference -- 28 August 2003 ======================================== * Participants Dave Berry (NeSC) Ian Foster (ANL) Bill Horn (IBM) Hiro Kishimoto (Fujitsu) Fred Maciel (Hitachi) Takuya Mori (NEC) Inderpal Narang (IBM) Andreas Savva (Fujitsu) Ravi Subramaniam (Intel) Jay Unger (IBM) Jim Warnes(IBM) (Minutes: Andreas) [N.B. There was cross-talk and static during this teleconf making it particularly difficult to follow the discussion. After the call Hiro asked the tele-conference provider how to get hold of an operator during the conference and was told to use " * 0 (star zero)" if there are similar noise problems again.] * Approved minutes of Aug 21 teleconference. * Agenda bashing (teleconf) - No discussion on program execution (Ming not available) - No use case discussion (Jeffrin not available) - Add discussion of Fred's Ch.4 draft. * Interim meeting F2F ** Attendance/Logistics - 12 people are on the attendance list. The latest version of the list is available onlne: https://forge.gridforum.org/docman2/ViewProperties.php?group_id=42&document_content_id=726 # Dial in lines: Ian to arrange for 5 lines. (done) - Location: Room D in HQ bldg. Go to reception first (same bldg). A map is available: https://forge.gridforum.org/docman2/ViewProperties.php?group_id=42&document_content_id=531 # Materal upfront preferred but it's ok to bring things with # you. It's also ok to present alternate viewpoints on the day. - Hiro will compile and copy things if you get stuff to him by Friday EOD(CST) --- maybe later too; contact him directly. ** Agenda bashing (F2F) *** Logging # Jim & Bill will take over updating the Logging section from # Andreas. - (Jay) There is an updated document on logging but it may not be possible to get it released for the F2F. Maybe for GGF9. Do a high level discussion for the F2F instead. *** Data - Ian to provide summary of current understanding for the Data section. Jay will explain it. - Some people interested in the Data discussion can't arrive before Sep.3 noon. # Agreed to move "Data" discusion to Sep. 3 afternoon (as late # as possible) and move discussion on "Program Execution" to the # morning. *** CMM discussion - Just an update of what's going on (CMM & WSDM). Shouldn't take that long. ** Document preparation # Write up text by F2F, if possible. - Frank: Tue. - Jay: "Events" by Fri., other parts unclear. - Ian: Fri. - Ming: First draft already in Platform, now revising. (second version delivery unclear) - Shel: EOD Fri. - Andreas: Fri. - Jeffrin: Tue. - Logging: EOD Fri. - Use v2 of the service template: https://forge.gridforum.org/docman2/ViewProperties.php?group_id=42&document_content_id=708 * Chapter 4 review - First draft, an outline of what's expected. - The previous chapter deals with taxonomy (Jay's draft). - This chapter is on factoring. - What happened to ogsi-storage/info or more primitive portTypes? - These were/are placeholders. It is not yet decided what these (primitive portTypes) are. - What is fundamental and what is not? - Fundamental: functionality common to a number services. - Maybe such functionality is very limited. - Does this section deal with services or interfaces? - Interfaces exposed by services, but not the services themselves. (Services are covered in the next section.) - uses/extends are relations on interfaces. - Comment: "Fundamental services" could mean the services that are used for bootstrap (cannot be set up automatically). This section does not attempt to cover this area. - This section is OGSI/A specific. It does not attempt to cover wider grid configuration issues. # Fred to prepare a revision for F2F; talk it over there.