OGSA-WG teleconference minutes ---- August 7, 2003 ================================================== * Participants Takuya Araki (NEC) Dave Berry (NeSC) Shel Finkelstein (SUN) Ike Garrido (IBM) Hiro Kishimoto (Fujitsu) Fred Maciel (Hitachi) Takuya Mori (NEC) (*)Andreas Savva (Fujitsu) Frank Siebenlist (ANL) Ravi Subramaniam (Intel) Jem Treadwell (HP) (*)Minutes * Early Discussion - Agenda bashing: Agenda looks ok. - Review action items and make sure they are in gridforge AIs of the F2F are not in gridforge yet. # Get F2F AIs in by the next teleconference >Andreas # Also check previous teleconf minutes. >Jeffrin, Andreas - Sep. F2F interim meeting logistics - Note that there is no network access in the conference room. - Give your name in advance if possible. You can then get a badge and move in/out more freely. - Just showing up is ok too. ** Proposed GGF9 session schedule - Note we have **5 sessions** and we are splitting some into sub-sessions dedicated to specific topics. (Shel) These are a lot of sessions. We must make clear what we want in order to make it a success. Also which sessions are public & which internal. - (Ravi) At the moment only scheduling, dais appear on the list of sub-sessions. (Andreas) Probably these were just the obvious ones. There are slots for more. - (Hiro) GGF asked us to send this information early. It is still incomplete/tentative. - Decide session owners E.g, First & Last session obviously belong to co-chairs (Ian, Hiro) while Jeffrin probably owns the Use Case session. # Write up proposal and send to list asking for volunteers to lead # the remaining GGF9 (sub)sessions >Hiro * Interim minutes review - Minutes approved with revisions. - (Minute takers' effort appreciated.) - Some comments from Ravi: In 0GSA discussion: - "Clearly define service (functional) boundaries (not the same as implementation boundaries; which we don't specify)" was incorrectly captured as "too restritive to specify functional boundaries." - Also decided to cover - boundaries - compositions - interoperability (how they come together) - plumbing stuff - schemas - sequence of operations - usage scenarios (some people might have said profiles) - (composition here means that composed services don't make a new service; their composition provides a function.) # Send these and more detailed comments to Andreas as a diff or # upload as new revision. >Ravi (or anyone else who has comments) * Schedule Seems ok. Some concerns whether there is sufficient time or not. ** GGF9 Deadline for submitting documents is Sep 19. It's a soft deadline in the sense that we can distribute newer versions afterwards. * Platform document ** Character Platform has lots of non-normative text # Agreement that Platform is (intended to be) normative. - Do a primer by splitting off non-normative text? When? - (Jem) do primer early rather than later (e.g., don't do what ogsi did) - (Daveb) might lead to lots of work due to updates. - (Ravi) do platform with lots of informative text & just pull out the normative text later # Agreement to keep informative text in Platform and # highlight/callout normative text. ** Related standards - (Ravi) Related standards might be better off in an appendix? It is informative text. ** Section 2 (Ravi) We are not use case driven so it may be better to remove this section. (It's informative and appears in an another document anyway.) Maybe put 2.2 "Functional requirements" in 3. "Taxonomy" (Hiro,Andreas) Don't mind deleting use case stuff, but prefer not to merge 2.2 in 3. # Agreed to delete use case stuff from Platform and promote sec 2.2 # to 2 instead. # Create new document outline >Hiro. ** Section 4 - (Fred) Need overhaul of section 4. (Aug 1 version) Might not have enough time if we start after the next F2F. # Fred volunteers to think of new structure and post draft (to get # discussion going) before F2F. ** Order of section 4 & 5 - (Ravi) Maybe we should talk about ogsa services before talking about their relationships. I.e., Reverse order of sections 4 & 5. - Not much consensus. # Push discussion to list. >Ravi ** Section 5 The list of services is probably not complete yet. Also many things have no text, e.g., program execution, so it is not easy to decide what services will be covered there. (Ravi) Go through updated function list & put which WGs seem to be related to each area. E.g., GRAAP is just one of the groups related to scheduling. # Hiro to make excel sheet using services & function list as # input.