Notes of OGSA-WG telecon July 17 -------------------------------------- Attendees: Hiro Kishimoto; Takuya Mori ; Takuya Araki ; Andreas Savva ; Subramaniam, Ravi Subramaniam; Fred Maciel ; Jem Treadwell ; Benny Rochwerger; Shel Finkelstein ; Jeffrin Von Reich; Jay Unger 1) Early discussion - note taker assignment - Jeffrin - roll call - agenda bashing * agenda and schedule for july 29th meeting to be done Hiro and Ian before next week telecon. * approve last call's minutes - * GESA use case is already in the document ( update by Hiro or Jeffrin. ) * site AAA use case is not that close to grid reseller. We need to ask Jon what the relationship is and how it should be denoted. * the CMM use case line needs to be updated by the text from Freds mail. ( Fred will explain in the F2F meeting). - review Action items and make sure they are in gridForge. * andreas savva has already started this ( has even send a primer on this) * note taker will put in further action items. 2) Interim F2F date and place update by Ian * Send your personal info to * Ian is handling it. 3) Platform document - Review and discussion on Jay's strawman (Technical discussion unless leading to a decision or unknown question is not given as notes here) * Hiro send out a TOC for platform document. * The platform doc will be discussed in more detail on the F2F. * Hiro asked about CMMs absence. * Jay thinks that CMM is not neccessarily a layer. * Jays doc is still work in progress. * 'What is CMM ' a document to be made by Fred/CMM group before OGSA F2F. * confusion on Jays doc/platform doc here is that the current diagram shows the usage/layering of services. But there are pieces common across which are not represented properly here. So you need a tabular or similar form to capture those kind of things. * Going into the platform doc ( fig 1), we could add models for resource and mgmt instead of only resources. another suggestion would have to different models/diagrams for showing different aspects of OGSA. * Somethings are left out of Jays diagram like Provisioning. * We should be aiming at putting enough information and accuracy for people who are going to use this (people who use the middleware piece to interface to it or develop it ). * Things like Logging may not be under communication heading. * WS standards and descriptions may be getting repeated over and over again. In the F2F this discussion should be there. The following agenda items was not discussed due to time shortage. Review GT3 service description - Review current list of Function & Service from platform document by Andreas Review Dave's UK e-Science reference (appendix, table A.1.1) Any other input?= 4) Review Table of Contents straw for platform document Hiro will send it shortly. 5) Use case document Review "site AAA RG" & "Persistent Archive" usecases and collect comments on them. Then the comments will be forwarded to the authors for update. Status review of expected use cases (Ravi, Jeffrin, other WGs) Editor change offer: Jeffrin kindly proposes to take over editor's role from Hiro. Since Jeffrin has usecases in his company, it will streamline editorial work of the document.= 6) Any other business