Notes: OGSA - WG teleconference July 10. --------------------------------------------- chaired by Hiro Kishimoto and Dennis Gannon. Attendees: Hiro Kishimoto,Dennis Gannon ,W P Horn, Shel Finkelstein ,Andreas Savva , Jeffrin J. Von Reich, Fred Maciel ,Jem Treadwell ,Takuya Araki , Tan Lu 1. Early discussion. ----------------- * email to cochairs - done. * OGSA use case document creation process Working Group Person to initiate contact status DAIS Jay - dont know Data replication Jay - dont know Storage Resource Mgmt Jay - dont know Grid File system Takuya - yes done. CMM Fred - not planned, (since CMM use cases looked like OGSI use case idea for OGSA. But the OGSA members had a doubt on this ( for eg: configuration). Fred will talk further about this issue in the CMM group. ) RUS Bill - contacted. (Next steps are being discussed. It has to do with the interdependency between services. ) P2P Hiro - email is sent. No reply yet. AuthZ Shel - email sent. No reply yet. OGSA-Sec Shel - email sent. No reply yet. GRAAP Jon - Jeffrin to do this (as cochair is from HP.) GESA Jon - not done yet Site-AAA Dave - ? * Hiro to create an action item list. * use case template and doc - refined has been put in the grid forge by Hiro. 2) Finalize interim F2F date and place Hiro and Ian to decide this - Bay area most probable location. 3) Review updated schedle proposal Hiro will send updated draft schedule - done. 4) Use case document review "site AAA RG" use case and collect comments on it. will forward them to the author for update - this one is send out by David snelling on july 8th. The use case is very close to the grid reseller use case already in the doc. another comment was that the AAA functionality looks like OGSA- security working groups content. to be reviewed by everyone and to be commented on next week. * status review of expected use cases (Ravi, Jeffrin, other WGs) - targetted next week. 5) Platform document Look at Jays strawman and the version on the website. Ignore the version by Dennis ( it is an outdated version). Jem Treadwell had posted comments. For next week please try to do the review also see the following for more review next week - the list Andrea sent out yesterday ( platform matrix.txt .... ) - the UK e-science reference ( came along with Andreas mail ). GT3 service description hasnt arrived yet.