OGSA-WG teleconference minutes -- July 3, 2003 ============================================== * Participants Takuya Araki, Shel Finkelstein, Ian Foster, Dennis Gannon, Bill Horn, Hiro Kishimoto, Fred Maciel, Jon MacLaren, Andreas Savva, David Snelling, Jem Treadwell, Jay Unger, (more?) * Agenda > If no one objects, on July 3rd I would like to discuss mainly about > "process and schedule" issues from now to GGF9. > Including: > > - How to create and review our documents. > More use cases, matrix, service grouping, bugzzila, ... > - Date and place of upcoming interim F2F meeting late this summer. > - How to work with the other key GGF WGs > CMM, GRAAP, GESA, JSDL, etc. * Schedule/priorities [Hiro] Sent out a schedule proposal to the list. [Jay, et al] Approach so far has been top-down. We should do bottom-up too. Identify areas, split up into subgroups, and do service definition straws. Or identify groups already working on such. Dave has talked to some people at GGF8 doing higher level services. They are still willing to re-factor their services when the middle part gets filled in, but there is a need to move fast. They may not be so willing later on. * F2F We should do a F2F soon. Late July, early August is the latest to keep momentum and drive process for GGF9. We might have to do a second F2F in Sep. # Hiro to ask people to send their availability indicating # preference ({prefer, available, unavailable}) for the period up to # the end of Sep (Tuesday to Thursday). Deadline by Midnight Monday # (CDT). Hiro wil compile and send summary to list on # Tuesday. Finalize at next teleconf (Thursday). (Can we use GridForge to do meeting scheduling? May have something there, but no one has used it. Anyone wants to build a tool? ;-) * Service strawman [Shel] Need to do some work on what to include in the straws first. Level of detail, etc. Jay has done some work already. He sent it to the ogsa-wg chairs. Not made public yet. [Dave] How about GT3 service descriptions. If they exist they may be a good starting point. (more than the wsdl please) Also DAIS and Data Replication might be able to give us straws. # Ian will look for Jay's straw service proposals as well as GT3 # service definition information and send to the list. * Which groups do we contact? We already know of related ones. Ask them directly. Also send out spam, oops, email, to the WG chairs list. # Dave will email WG chairs list to solicit information. Cc the # ogsa-wg (public process). # Groups we are already aware of: Working Group Person to initiate contact DAIS Jay Data replication Jay Storage Resource Mgmt Jay Grid File system Fred(+Hiro) CMM Fred RUS Bill P2P Hiro AuthZ Shel OGSA-Sec Shel GRAAP Jon GESA Jon What are we going to ask them to give us? - Use cases: Plain english. We have a template (v2) already. - Sketches of service definitions: straws; don't have to be detailed. [Dave] We don't want to scare people away by asking too much detail too soon. # Hiro will upload the use case template to GridForge. * Use cases [Dave] Shouldn't rush with the service straws and skip doing the necessary work on use cases. * Matrix How to proceed with the matrix and get it in shape for the F2F? Currently it is a one person document (Hiro writes; others read). We should 1. Use it to get the same level of detail for use case descriptions 2. Match description in use case & platform docs. Also - Unify matrix presentation (editorial; > volunteers?) Maybe we don't care too much about matching with platform doc just yet? (The platform will change anyway.) [andreas] matrix categories (functions/services) need work. An easy example that came up before is naming & discovery. They shouldn't be grouped together. Also some things are obviously not as major as others. [Dave] Put matrix in GridForge so that others can get at it. Use the locking (social) mechanism provided to show people that you are working on it. # Hiro to upload matrix to GridForge. * Final comments [Dave] should come back to Hiro's schedule proposal; we did not cover everything. * AI 1.# Hiro to ask people to send their availability indicating # preference ({prefer, available, unavailable}) for the period up to # the end of Sep (Tuesday to Thursday). Deadline by Midnight Monday # (CDT). Hiro wil compile and send summary to list on # Tuesday. Finalize at next teleconf (Thursday). 2.# Ian will look for Jay's straw service proposals as well as GT3 # service definition information and send to the list. 3.# Dave will email WG chairs list to solicit information. Cc the # the ogsa-wg (public process). 4.# Groups we are already aware of: Working Group Person to initiate contact DAIS Jay Data replication Jay Storage Resource Mgmt Jay Grid File system Fred(+Hiro) CMM Fred RUS Bill P2P Hiro AuthZ Shel OGSA-Sec Shel GRAAP Jon GESA Jon 5.# Hiro will upload the use case template to GridForge. 6.# Hiro to upload matrix to GridForge.