Minutes of OGSA-WG meeting teleconference - 5/june/2003 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Participants: Andreas Savva ; Hiro Kishimoto ; Subramaniam, Ravi ; Shel Finkelstein ; Tan Lu ; Takuya Araki ; Ian Foster ; Jem Treadwell ; Jeffrin J.V.R; Bill Horn ( and others - i havent got their email yet ). * Usecase-doc softdeadline - 6/june/03 ( japan time). Due to the cleanup work required please do hurry in your usecases/changes etc to Kishimoto-san. * Focus for GGF8 by the OGSA wg is 'usecases'. one session scheduled. * GGF9 - we will focus and make great progress in platform document in detail and revised version of usecases. * If you are not able to meet Usecase deadline for GGF8 we can start working documents in grid forge towards GGF9. * the use cases will have to be refactored/abstracted. - before GGF8 we start looking at abstracting so that we have some idea of it beforehand. - one suggestion is to have a matrix template that has services, its attributes/metaconcepts, vs usecases . This helps to have clear idea about what each use case means, and what services and functions are needed to implement it. a problem here could be that different people may be talking the same service name but with different actual metaconcepts in their mind. -another way is to have patterns for use cases. So when you bring in a new use case look to see if the same pattern has already been given as another usecase ( for example - just application domain change may change usecase but not pattern). * In GGF8 we might not have time to discuss this refactoring in detail. But we can have a brief survey with respect to Hiros template in GGF8 and go through as many examples as possible ( about an hours time). * the WSDM requirements from OASIS might contribute to help us (and other GGF WGs) to do requirement analysis ( use case or otherwise) after GGF8. OASIS has two liasons to GGF. * So next week we are having one more confcall at same time to look at abstractions of use cases. People will bring in their versions of experimentations of abstractions to be discussed. * comments on CMM clarification and its impact on OGSA documents. No major rewrite right since usecases is the big topic now. Most of the current proposed change is 'CRM' changed to 'CMM' ( also slight text changes) to avoid more confusion. * Platform document is being edited by Ian. * Andreas has put an initial set of Doc Change Requests on the OGSA-WG forge.gridforum.org. So the issues are there - have a look, and start a discussion on the list if something is unclear. * CMM working group email is not setup yet. So people are not able to know whats going on about it. * question regarding implementation possibility of some of the use cases ( things like provisioning). The group felt that in the usecases we should not worry about it too much - perhaps later in the specifications. best rgds, Jeffrin J. Von Reich