Open Grid Froum 20, Manchester, UK GSA - Minutes Session #1 May 9th, 2007, 13:30-15:00 -------------------------- Attendees: about 50 Intro & Plans (Philipp) ----------------------- [NOTE: See presentation '01_GSA_status-plans.pdf' on GridForge] + Goal/milestones of the group + Current status Presentation Askalon (Radu) --------------------------- + Uses prediction for job execution length + Uses JSDL as input plus RSS expressions. + Scheduler sends requests to the broker (CSG) + WS-Agreement for reservation + Addition of negotiations facility/multi-criteria optimization + Q: RM also part of discovery? - A: RM is single access point to the resource. Picture of GSA (Philipp) -------------------------- + Q: How to submit job? - A: WS:submitJob(). Job = JSDL + Extensions + Differentiation of submissions + Question on Registry/Broker 1) Static registry 2) LDAP registry 3) Information Service or CSG gives EPR back. + Question on why to use a different submission interface for a scheduler and not just negotiation? - A: Depends on the use case. If the scheduler keeps control and also initiates the execution, we should forsee in addition a simple interface like a submitJob(). Nevertheless, the negotiation interface is available and a different access client could also use this. + Discussion on which entity keeps control of the execution. * A scheduler could just create a plan and the execution management could be initiated from somewhere else (e.g. a job manager). * However it seems beneficial for practical reasons of existing Grids to let the receiving scheduler take care of the execution management. The submission chain is maintained from the first scheduler to providing scheduler. He knows the initial security context, has access to the resources. + Askalon would fit this picture, there is support for joint activity for a common model. + Comment: Askalon has different kind of policies provider, user etc. -> would still fit the picture. Session #2 May 9th, 2007, 18:00-19:30 -------------------------- Attendees: 17 Intro (Ramin) ------------- JSDL Profile (Ariel) -------------------- + Q: Not all attributes are supported. Should there be a way to ask dynamically ask about supported attributes during negotiation? - A: This would be reasonable. No current solution yet. + Q: How to specify co-allocation requirements in JSDL? - Not yet available. Some frame decoration to combine several JSDL jobs. + Q: Where are number of nodes? - A: It is in JSDL. + Q: What about fault tolerance? - A: Open for discussion/inclusion. + Q: Planning vs queuing scheduler? - A: Implicitly given by timing information. + Comment by RY: * Link to SLT work proposal by Andrew Grimshaw, Mark Morgan? => design team OGSA. * Q to be discussed: Scheduling objectives? Link to RSS? * Q to be discussed: Link to JSDL2.0, Stephen McGough. + Q: Atilla Kertez volunteers to contribute to GSA: they have a similar approach on an SDL, work on P-Grade with links to different backends: NorduGrid, GT-Broker,...