Grid Scheduling Architecture Research Group (GSA-RG) session Wednesday, September 13, 2006. 4:00pm - 5:30pm ---------------------------------------------- - IPR presented - Signing sheet circulated - Agenda [See slides on GridForge] - GRMS presentation [Ariel; Slides on the GridForge] + GRMS consumes workflows which are decomposed into jobs which are then scheduled. Constraints are being taken into consideration. + Soft and hard constraints on task execution can be defined. + Resource schema is available (but not exposed externally). + JSDL as input is possible. Q: What is lost using this? - A: Work flow definition. User constraints are also lost. + Q: Which info is needed about resources? - A: Some kind of general resource offer. + Resume: Input from requester: JSDL + extensions (tbd.). Input from provider: Capabilities. What is needed for a scheduling decision -> Provide this information as input to JSDL + Q: Are the extensions specified somewhere? - A: Yes, HPC deliverables (should be public?). - VIOLA presentation [Oliver; slides on GridForge] + Job and reservation data is sent and processed seperatly + Subset of JSDL is used + Q: Can the current middleware (UNICORE) be replaced by something else (Globus)? - A: Yes. + Q: Which negotiation is used? - A: Propriatary protocol. + Remark: There have to be some common parameters used for scheduling, but most stuff schould go into the job description. - Calana presentation [Mathias; slides on GridForge] + Not prepared for JSDL usage yet; may also be quite complicated. + Q: Any chance that in future a JSDL job can be executed (not even scheduled)? - A: In general yes, but looking at the business objectives of Calana, this does not make sense. - Gridway presentation + Provision of a Globus GRAM interface at scheduler level which then acts as a user submitting jobs to other schedulers/resource managers. + Proposal: GRAM could be used as THE interface to schedulers. Questions to be discussed via the mailing list [no time left for lengthy discussion]: - Between which entities should agreements be established - Parameter semantics/syntax? - How to handler different models of constraints/preferences? - Parameters needed for scheduling?