OGSA EMS - GGF15 - Session 2 ============================ Date: October 3, 2005 Minutes: Andreas Savva * EMS introduction (Andrew Grimshaw) Presentation: https://forge.gridforum.org/projects/ogsa-wg/document/GGF15-OGSA-EMS-CDDLM/en/1 (Also contains Dejan's modification) - Overview of work so far and open issues - Current focus is 'provisioning' - Andrew's definition is close to 'installing' and excludes staging of input and output files - Abstract notion of 'application'; nameable and can be queried for information about itself - Who defines the application? Perhaps the person who developed the program but could also be information gathered over time from previous invocations - And also provide information about how long it needs to install and so on - CDDLM does steps 3-5 (prepare, start, manage) but these *only within a deployment context* (not in a general context) - Are provisioning and scheduling separate steps in the execution path? Or must the activity always start from provisioning every time that something needs to be executed (and have possible null steps)? - CDDLM: Tends to think of these as necessary steps but some might be null/no-op. (So even if something was setup earlier; still need to send in the same information.) - This is slightly different from OGSA EMS (which might simply not have the step instead of no-op) - [And is this fundamentally different?] - For CDDLM: 'get the service executing' is simply to get the service ready for whatever it needs to do. It is not 'started' in the sense of a job starting to execute. - CDDLM stopped short of defining 'run' - (The service is set up for a different 'level' to make use of.) - As such 'get...': It should be out-of-scope of CDDLM (in the sense of EMS terminology) - Can the 'prepare' be separated out so that some parts (e.g., that need more setup) are provisioned separately from others? And can we identify these to reduce the coupling in the 'prepare'. - Know the 'whole tree' (CDL) in the prepare activity but be able to parcel it out; - In contrast to having to pass everything (entire CDL) each time - And is this a policy decision or just best practices? - And what is the role of Agreements in this activity? - From the CDDLM perspective, the 'provisioner' is not the place to ask about which resource can do what. - ACS contains information about application (static) but not about containers. - The Information services hold container information (dynamic) - Separate two CDL functions: 1. Executing the workflow; and the information for determining what is needed - (And there are different requirements associated with where to 'cut' the provisioning tree; i.e., up to which level to take as already provided.) - Continue the discussion at the F2F. In particular: - Factor functionalities and determine which piece does what.