OGSA Outreach - GGF15 - Session 1 ================================= Date: October 3, 2005 Minutes: Andreas Savva * Activity Status and update (Hiro Kishimoto) Presentation: https://forge.gridforum.org/projects/ogsa-wg/document/GGF15-Outreach/en/1 Overview of recent OGSA-WG activities including published or submitted documents and OGSA branding and trademarking. ** Q&A - On slide 20, it is stated that Profiles "should build on top" of an existing Profiles. Is this mandatory text? - This 'should' should be read as a MUST. * Modelling Grid Resources in OGSA (Fred Maciel) Presentation: https://forge.gridforum.org/projects/ogsa-wg/document/Modeling_Grid_Resources_in_OGSA/en/1 Overview of Information modeling for OGSA and proposed used of CIM. A draft document was prepared by Fred Maciel before the last interim meeting. It has not been sufficiently reviewed by the group yet. The CIM choice is still controversial. It has also not been finalized yet. The "low barrier of entry" requirement is an issue. Doing a data model is not decided. Collaboration with WSDM TC on this is one possibility. ** Q & A - Slide 12: 'less is better...' - Explanation was 'fewer' (profiles) rather than 'less' (smaller). But what are the criteria in this space and what should be left as non-standard? - It is not clear yet. Need to be careful. It is something to address in the document. - Slide 15 - Any plan to do a data model in addition to the EMS model? And would such work be scheduled to be done in parallel or in sequence? - No work explicitly scheduled at this time. - But if people have ideas there is no need to wait. If there is agreement that CIM is the right choice then can use it as a toolbox to identify what's needed. There are people who work on CIM (within GGF) and they can provide start-up help. * OGSA and WS-Management (Glenn Wasson) Presentation: https://forge.gridforum.org/projects/ogsa-wg/document/GGF15-OGSA_and_WS-man/en/1 WS-Management is made of transfer, enumeration, eventing, etc., specifications. - Adoption by MS, Intel (plan to embed in hardware). There is a growing list of adopters. WS-Management has also been submitted to DMTF for standardization. - The (initial) aim is small footprint devices. - Review of main specs and overview of features - (There is also WS-Management Catalog; but it is not needed---an additional spec.) This activity is a continuation of the BoF in GGF14. There will also be an ad-hoc BoF in this GGF. The scope of this activity has not been decided. But it is not a goal to reconcile the WS-Management stack with the WSRF profile. ** Q&A - Will this activity be at the WS-Management level or also by looking at the individual specs? - It is not ruled out going back to individual specs and rethinking their relationship. - WS-Management has been submitted to DMTF. How about the individual specifications? When will those be submitted to a standards body? - Not sure. Deferring this question to the specification authors. - Potential differences and similarities with WSRF profile? - It is expected that there will be differences at the message level. - But otherwise the defined functionality may be very similar and it would be useful to have it be as close as possible. - How much would it take to support multiple stacks? People already have clients for WS-I and for WSRF and would like to keep things as close as possible. It would be nice for this group to set such a target---make it easy for adopters. - Two stacks problem - Agree that having two stacks is not ideal. But there is no agreement on one stack by the industry. - There are many commonalities between the two, and the WS-Man total functionality is similar to the WSRF set. The difference may stem from an initially different focus (WS-Man had a lower hardware focus). - The stacks do seem to be moving closer. - WS-Enumeration and how it fits in WS-Man: - It seems more similar to ByteIO which is out of scope of the WSRF Profile. Is it really useful to include this functionality in a WS-Man profile? - This is something to discuss at the BoF. - It was stated that WS-Man was initially intended for 'small' devices. Can it be applied to the more diverse devices in a grid environment?