OGSA-WG #4 Minutes Chicago, IL. GGF 14 EMS Minutes taken by Mark Morgan (University of Virginia) Andrew Hosting Outline Utility Computing (Presentation by Roger Wright, DMTF Co-Chair) EMS Resource Modeling (Fred Maciel presenting) Utility Computing ------------------------- * Want to sure that varoius management models that get developed in Grid computing should have a home, somewhere to be taken care of * Desire to be expressed in CIM * First responsibility is to make sure that there is interoperability * One particular part of interest is "Server Provisioning and Allocation". * First place to focus was in fact on construction of common interface, and related CIM based models, for the act of server provisioning and allocation across an enterprise. * Effort to mature server stack (already have mature storage stack) * In terms of DMTF model, is this a single entity I interact with to get resources, or do I still interact with the individual resources themselves. - Envision a small set of methods, create pool, modify properties on a pool, associate pool with OS and apps, etc. - So, pool is analagous to what BES/EMS calls a service container * Group came up with White Paper, "An Interoperable Server Mgmt Software Stack". * A profile is a subset of the CIM model that is used to denote an interoperable interface between a client and a server * SMIS assumes XML CIM on HTTP EMS ------- * Background - Where can a service execute? - Where should a service execute? - Get it ready to execute - Start it up - Manage it * On-going work * Other use-cases * Other issues punted before * What to tackle next. * Since first EMS came out, NAREGI has actually sort of implemented this using UNICORE * BES has gotten going - Resource Model is one of the more interesting things to discuss as we move forward - Will there be an event model supported, etc. - What management interfaces will be on this * OGSA RSS BoF being held this GGF * Time for EMS to look beyond the initial "legacy job" use cases. What other use cases are relevant now? * Extend use cases - eg. "cache service" example - what we can mine from EGA * Other issues that were punted - Accounting/auditing, logging - "Provisioning" -- getting ready to run - High availability/fault-tolerance hooks/services - Disk/storage/caches, etc. - Reservations * What to tackle next? - Provisioning? -- licenses -- binaries -- libraries * OGSA and CDDLM need to sit together and talk about the next steps - Schedule on one of the OGSA calls, a discussion with CDDLM