* GGF14 OGSA-WG session #3: Submitted Document Discussion ========================================================= * Roadmap document (Jem Treadwell) https://forge.gridforum.org/projects/ogsa-wg/document/GGF14-OGSA-Roadmap/en/1 - The Roadmap document is in public comment. It has now been linked to the GGF home page. Comment through the GGF home page. - No interoperability tests planned; a gap that needs to be addressed somehow. - One possibility is an interoperability workshop/test: not sure OGSA-WG will choose to go that way yet. - Who tracks and checks the status of the referenced specs? - Up to the person who is in charge of the each document section in the Roadmap. - Sometimes a specification is not visible because the workings of the group are opaque. By definition the Roadmap cannot refer to such documents. - And sometimes there is work to update a spec that is not visible until made public. - But such work does not invalidate older versions. These can still be used but maybe will not be adopted in the way initially expected. * Profile definition (Tom Maguire) https://forge.gridforum.org/projects/ogsa-wg/document/OGSA_Profile_Definition_Session_3/en/1 - Distinction between proposed recommendation and grid recommendation. They define a different level of interoperability. - How does OGSA-WG decide the next piece of work to do? - It is a volunteer effort. And prioritize based on group-internal evaluation and what is needed. * WSRF Basic Profile (Tom Maguire) https://forge.gridforum.org/projects/ogsa-wg/document/OGSA_BP_Session_3/en/1 - (WS-I on its way to becoming an ISO standard) - Complete; doing final reviews. - Waiting for WSN BasicNotification to reach OASIS TC committee draft status. - OGSA AuthZ document is out for public comment. It is not in the style of a profile but it essentially defines an authorization profile for OGSA (based on XACML, etc). - One public comment to this document might be to suggest doing it more rigorously as an OGSA profile. - GGF needs to publicise documents going into public comment more. One proposal is to arrange for emails to 'all' to announce that a document goes into public comment. (Ref: OASIS announcements) - Document characterizes specs in overall OGSA Roadmap if they choose to do so. - Meaning of profile statements: - If a feature described in the profile is implemented it must be implemented the way the profile defines. No statement on whether the feature must be implemented. - Also no statement that you can't do other things. But interoperability may suffer in that case. - Independent interoperability test for a specific spec? - Tests per specification can be done separately but it does not make any statement about the interoperability of the entire conformance profile. - Composability is an important property - Compliance to OGSA (which cannot be defined at the moment) might eventualy required compliance to one or more profiles.