GGF14 OGSA-WG session #1: OGSA Status and Future ================================================ * Introduction (Hiro Kishimoto) Overview of OGSA activities ** Questions - Profile definition and WSRF BP difference - This is covered in the next presentation. * OGSA Profile Definition (Tom Maguire) Description of what a profile is and what it defines. Status and Adoption definitions are the main contributions of this document. Definitions of Profile Type: - Recommended profile (GGF Proposed Recommendation) - Defines a state where the constituent specs are 'stable' and they can be used to address overall interoperability profile issues. - Is it not difficult to make a judgement call on de-facto (vs not in standards body)? - No, it is usually quite clear. Anyway it is a consensus decision by the group. For example: - WSDL 1.1 is a member submission to w3c but is clear de-facto - While WS-Policy is clearly a draft - Characterizing documents into 'draft' (proprietary specifications) also allows the group to discuss and include specs that may not be typically included. Such specs can only be used in Informational Profiles only, however. - Could different profiles cater to different needs? E.g., campus grid and so on? - Profiles could address different functions (e.g., naming) and what specs are needed to put them together. - And also could address different scenarios: authorization is one example of another profile. * OGSA WSRF Basic Profile (Tom) - Might also have to draw in the SOAP binding. - Waiting for BaseNotification 1.3; as an OASIS CD and also to make sure that all the (transitively) referenced specs use the same versions of specs. (Specifically the WS-Addressing spec.) Q: Why do you need to define an extension to WS-I? Why not leave it up to WS-I Forum? - WS-I allows for extensions to its profiles. No rule that any extensions have to be within the WS-I forum - WS-I is not ready to do this extension yet; GGF needs it - Could pass this profile back to WS-I at a later point - (No decision whether to do conformance testing within GGF) Q: Why were Topics not included? - Not needed for this profile; might be useful in a more advanced profile. Q: Is there a GGF Liaison to WS-I? - GGF has one but is a recent appointment. This is an organization level liaison not a working group level one. Q: WS-I is planning an update to WS-I BP Security 1.0 to 1.1. This is expected/planned within the next few months. Might consider whether to wait for that or not. - Needs followup. * Roadmap document (Jem Treadwell) - Entering or entered 30-day formal period. - Please review and comment - Maybe it does not appear on GGF site yet; but it will do so soon.