GGF14 OGSA-WG session #1: OGSA Status and Future ================================================ * Introduction (Hiro Kishimoto) Overview of OGSA activities ** Questions - Profile definition and WSRF BP difference - This is covered in the next presentation. * OGSA Profile Definition (Tom Maguire) Description of what a profile is and what it defines. Status and Adoption definitions are the main contributions of this document. Definitions of Profile Type: - Recommended profile (GGF Proposed Recommendation) - Defines a state where the constituent specs are 'stable' and they can be used to address overall interoperability profile issues. - Is it not difficult to make a judgement call on de-facto (vs not in standards body)? - No, it is usually quite clear. Anyway it is a consensus decision by the group. For example: - WSDL 1.1 is a member submission to w3c but is clear de-facto - While WS-Policy is clearly a draft - Characterizing documents into 'draft' (proprietary specifications) also allows the group to discuss and include specs that may not be typically included. - Could different profiles cater to different needs? E.g., campus grid and so on? - Profiles could address different functions (e.g., naming) and what specs are needed to put them together. - And also could address different scenarios: authorization is one example of another profile. * OGSA WSRF Basic Profile (Tom) - Might also have to draw in the SOAP binding. - Waiting for BaseNotification 1.3; as an OASIS CD and also to make sure that all the (transitively) referenced specs use the same levels of specs. (Specifically the WS-Addressing spec.) Q: Why do you need to define an extension to WS-I? Why not leave it up to WS-I Forum? - WS-I allows for extensions to its profiles. No rule that any extensions have to be within the WS-I forum - WS-I is not ready to do this extension yet; GGF needs it - Could pass this profile back to WS-I at a later point - (No decision whether to do conformance testing within GGF) Q: Why were Topics not included? - Not needed for this profile; might be useful in a more advanced profile. Q: Is there a GGF Liaison to WS-I? - GGF has one but is a recent appointment. This is an organization level liaison not a working group level one. Q: WS-I is planning an update to WS-I BP Security 1.0 to 1.1. This is expected/planned within the next few months. Might consider whether to wait for that or not. - Needs followup. * Roadmap document (Jem Treadwell) - Entering or entered 30-day formal period. - Please review and comment - Maybe it does not appear on GGF site yet; but it will do so soon.