Minutes from OGSA BES WG session #1, GGF14 Minutes (by Mark Morgan) BES * Agenda - IPR Note - Agenda Check - F2F debrief - Review of Service Container interface - Discussion of un-resolved topics: -- Legacy Application interface (Chris Smith) -- Resource model discussion -- Container Management interfaces --- Start/Stop accepting activities --- Shutdown Container -- Register for events --- e.g. activity/container state change. * EMS Scope Review * Face to face debrief - went over minutes from London F2F - staging as defined in JSDL - Presentation of results of resource modeling to be given -- probably on telecon * Have VERY rough draft of specification - Very important to keep in mind that this is "BASIC" execution, not execution in general. - Is this a spec for a single web service? -- Yes, unless we incorporate the interface for the activities. - Is this state (getActivityState) held in the container? -- Implementation dependent -- Out of scope - Are you going to specify types of exceptions? -- Yes. -- Start making your list of favorite faults - Everyone is happy with the high level view of the container. - Going to cover states in more detail tomorrow * Legacy Application Interface - getJobState/getJobInfo -- Retrieve run time information about the job -- While notifications on job state change is important, is it within the scope of a "basic" interface? -- Notification through some event mechanism is good, but out of scope to choose which one we'll use right now - getJobDefinition -- Retrieve teh original JSDL document that was used to define this job instance --- Depending on the implementation, this document might not be available -- Need to be able to retrieve audit information (well, you want to at least) -- Discussion on whether or not this information is available in the container, the job, or both.... - suspend/resume -- These operations will initiate a suspension of the job's activity and resume job's activity -- Keep in mind with these things, we are "asking" the endpoint to do something -- that doesn't mean that it has to do something. - checkpoint/restart -- Can be out of band ways of providing information about checkpoint and restart (like, what image to use). -- Can you have the application checkpoint and keep on running? --- Yes, that happens all the time. -- Could implement migrate using this - terminate/signal -- Soft terminate of the job. * Resource Model Discussion - might be best to take this to the list - history - two minute overview of CIM - Deciding which RM model to use isn't on the critical path - If you want to take CIM, it will take too long to come up with a complete schema - Can we agree that resource model is out of scope for this iteration of the specification? -- We need to say that there needs to be one, but we aren't going to decide on this now. - To wrap up -- It clearly doesn't need to be in BES -- It clearly needs to be out there * CreateActivityFromJSDL - as per document changes * Telecons start two thursdays hence - morning US, afternoon UK, etc. - deadline by end of July - F2F co-located with OGSA F2F (plans are for early Sept. in LaHoya)