GGF14 DFDL Session 1 Actions: Mike Beckerle to create FAQ for DFDL to include the answers to questions such as: Have you considered using RDF instead of XML schema annotation? Have you considered Web Services based around DFDL? Jim Myers to post his charts to the mailing list (1) Mike Beckerle gave a DFDL introduction using charts that had been posted to the DFDL mailing list. He described the annotation choices that need to be made, including whether to adopt a model driven appoach based on CAM from OMG (2) Jim Myers described the DFDL prototype PNL are building. He said the code could be made available. There was also discussion of use the WS-DAIX specification (from the DAIS working group) as in an interface to DFDL described files. GGF14 DFDL Session 2 Actions: Mike Beckerle to write a proposal to describe the mixins proposal and to present to the community The community to respond to the mixins proposal Mike Beckerle presented the mixins proposal for DFDL annotations. (See newModel.ppt posted to the mailing list). Mike also referred to the OMG CAM model in his presentation. The mixins proposal shows how to use annotations without introducing many new concepts. The CAM Model constructs can be created from this model.The proposal was well received.