GGF13 OGSA-WG session #5 - OGSA version 1.0 comments review from EGA ==================================================================== On the bridge: Paul Strong - Chair of EGA Reference Model WG (SUN) Debu Chaterjee (Oracle) Raj Kumar (HP Labs) * Background - The review document is intended as a starting point for a discussion between EGA and OGSA-WG - A brief background was given on the EGA work and the reference model. Documents are not public yet so they cannot be distributed. There is a perceived overlap and possibilities for collaboration. - The EGA documents will be made public after they are approved. It is expected that this may be within 2 weeks or so, but there is no fixed deadline. - The documents consist of a glossary, the reference model, and use cases. - The use cases mainly deal with provisioning of components (compute, data, applications, etc) in a data center. There is similarity with the OGSA CDC use case but the EGA use cases go in more detail. * Procedural issues - There was a long debate on whether to respond to the EGA review at this time or not. It is difficult to evaluate comparative statements without having access to the other side's documents. - Consensus reached that OGSA-WG should take the review as feedback to OGSA version 1.0 and respond as such. And skip EGA comparison for later after EGA documents are made public. * Discussion - How close is terminology (glossary)? - EGA defined terms are fewer than the ones OGSA defines. Many definitions are similar but not identical. - Use cases correspondence - Some of them may be common, e.g., CDC. EGA has a more detailed breakdown of this use case. - A good start might be to categorize the use cases and make more consistent the description of the ones that are more relevant or common to both sides. - Would EGA be open to adopting OGSA? - This is one of the things being evaluated. - One of the EGA outputs is recommendations to users on what technologies to use and how those technologies should be used to solve problems. - And OGSA might be one of the technologies that is proposed. - EGA does not want to define standards. It explores what standards are there, identifies the gaps and then works with the specification owners to fill in those gaps. - If there is a needed standard and there is noone to take on that job then maybe EGA would try to fill that gap. But so far this has not been necessary. - EGA and GGF have different processes. EGA is working on allowing more access to EGA documents by GGF to ease collaboration. - Any company can join EGA and a lot of information is public even without joining. - In contrast all GGF material are openly available without registration. - OGSA-WG also has more detailed, technical documents on OGSA and will provide these to EGA. * Comments review [The session was consumed mostly on procedural and related discussions so there was very little time for this.] - Providing context of requirements. This is an issue that will be addressed in the next version of the OGSA specification. - Suggestion: Provide linkage back to the use cases. That is, show how OGSA can be used to satisfy the use cases. * Next steps - Enumerate areas (possibilities) of collaboration - Shared set of use cases as one possible topic (Problem is that the EGA documents are not public yet). - No immediate action - There is an EGA F2F beginning of April, which Andrew is scheduled to attend. By that time OGSA (Hiro, Andrew, Jay) will finish a review of the EGA OGSA version 1.0 review. - OGSA-WG will comment on the EGA document after it comes out. - No specific date for releasing the document. It is expected in early April. - Arrange for a common session (or two) at the next GGF (Chicago). - Arrange for common calls if there is time.