GGF13 OGSA-WG session #10: Reporting ==================================== Lead: Hiro Notes: Jem Treadwell Basic Profile (Tom Maguire) =========================== - Discussed Basic Profile (B/P). Trackers: 23 pending, 11 resolved, some with Open issues - Dave Snelling made a proposal about changing the name; not thrilled with suggestion but understand it; - Core requirements vs. conformance requirements - ongoing discussion. - Front matter from WS-I - still needs to be discussed. We could replace it with aa reference to WS-I; would eliminate about 4 pages, and get us down to 8-10 pages. - Next steps: continue to close down trackers; Tom will set up calls for that. - Near term telecon agenda items: - security tracker - Tom to do SetResourceProperty education session for OGSA group - Target closure on BP to end of April - Outreach to UK e-Science; productive meetings; need to get with them to determine how to move forward. Dave B: Any specific actions? Tom took an AI to schedule a meeting with Savas and co.; not going to happen until end of April, when we've got through another round of B/P. - Levels of WS-addressing specification to use - discussed. - Slides are on GridForge Basic Execution Management Profile (Hiro) ========================================= - Other WG's represented: WS-Agreement (Karl), JSDL (Andreas), Basic ES (Andrew) Globus (Karl), Business Grid (Hiro), NAREGI (Kazushige), UNICORE (DaveS) - Good information exchange, and understanding improved - Issues for which consensus could not be achieved: - When to start? Dave Snelling: Given state of depended-on specs (jsdl etc.), to do a candidate profile would probably be ok, but not a full profile. Doesn't seem high priority. Decision: Postpone until Basic Execution Service specification complete. - Promotion of EMS design team to W/G: Not unless community feedback indicates that it would be beneficial. Enterprise Grid Alliance Feedback session (Hiro) ================================================ EGA on bridge, John Tollefsrud (GGF liaison to EGA) was present. Background: EGA provided some feedback comments about the OGSA v1 document; this session was held to discuss the comments and next steps for collaboration. Discussed feedback; collaboration plan between OGSA-WG and EGA: - EGA is willing to collaborate; EGA may adopt OGSA as one of their architectures - Beneficial! Cannot start concrete collaboration as EGA have not yet published their document. Andrew/Jay/Hiro will provide comments on their review, and provide feedback by April 2nd. - EGA will provide their document by early April - OGSA-WG will review and give feedback to EGA (by early May?) - Andrew will be at the EGA f2f in April (Miami) - Will have a joint session at GGF14 or earlier - W/G promotion? N/A. Basic Execution Profile (Andrew Grimshaw) ========================================= Andrew will send charter to mailing list. WS-Naming (Andrew) ================== Over 15 people said they will participate; Outcome: Need to start a new group; . Open issues: No longer an issue what to do with RNS (GFS will complete the document, and WS-Naming group will then maintain it). The issue of what role (if any) the Handle System shoul play is wide open. Next steps: Set up mailing list, continue charter discussion, establish telecon schedule, review requirements document, discuss handles. Andrew will begin this. What area? Architecture. Dave Berry: OASIS has a naming scheme XRI (eXtensible resource identifier) - need to look into that. Execution Management Services (EMS) (Andrew Grimshaw) ===================================================== Not a lot of meetings recently; been focusing on BES. NAREGI has an implementation of the OGSA v1 EMS description. Outcome: Start diving into execution planning, candidate set generation and reservation. Action: Restart telecons; Ravi is the design team lead. May be possible to get some involvement from NAREGI or elsewhere to continue to drive this. Need to check if Ravi has the cycles. Data (Dave Berry) ================= Presented OGSA and forthcoming specs to Astronomy RG: - Request for presentation at IVOA meeting in Kyoto - Need a better set of slides & info about dates Data area meeting: - Presentation of design team work. - Contact made with Ian Baird - EMC/SNIA - might be relevant for data transfer work. Data Architecture: - Discussed data transfer architecture. - Better understanding of INFOD. - Some agreement on metadata required for source/sink.. - Issues: Whether every transfer requires a service to manage it; details of fit with INFOD; full details of source/sink metadata. Issues for other teams: link with EMS: review JSDL specification; requirements for BES Next steps: Data Transfer: NeSC/EPCC team to develop position and talk to people in computational steering community for their input; attend INFOD f2f in UK. ByteIO (Dave Berry) =================== Mark Morgan & Neil Hong to chair W/G. Issues: Data transfer mechanism - e.g. may specify using SOAP what is needed, but don't want to transfer the data using SOAP. How/when specified? Needs to be discussed. Could actually require a research group! Mark: transfer mechanism up in the air; agreement to limit scope and keep it really simple. Resource Management (Fred Maciel) ================================= Presented how Resource Mgmt work will be done, and the mission. Promote to WG? No! - intentionally came back to OGSA for visibility, and there will be no normative work initially. Information Services (Abdeslem) =============================== Information work in OGSA: carry on working in INFOD - but we need to carry on working to understand the relationship of info services to other OGSA work. Vocabulary management a MUST for OGSA. Dave: explain? Technical vocabulary describing information to be exchanged. Open issues: Besides INFOD, what other work is needed? Is an IMS profile needed? Relation to Data? Where do these fit in OGSA: vocabulary management; identity management; transaction management Hiro: how about producer/consumer interfaces? Still need to describe the info you're exchanging. Based on WSN? Yes, if they're in the Basic Profile. Dave: only doing abstract interfaces at the moment? Yes. Andrew: I think it's time for EMS to start working with you to talk about schema, what it's going to look like concretely - we'll need to start talking with InfoServices. Abdeslem: Purpose is exactly that! Next meetings ============= - F2F proposal: May 25th & 26th, London. Dave Berry will try to schedule a room at Imperial College. - Telecons will restart on Wed March 23rd.