Design Team I (OGSA session 4) ============================== June 8, 6:00-7:30pm Minutes: Andreas Savva (Attendance #20) * Execution Management Services [Using "Typical Pattern" slide from EMS presentation as starting point for discussion.] - Looking at creating requirements for input to CDDLM-WG for deployment/configuration. - Need to start drilling down to refine interfaces, etc. - Proposed target: full description to allow people to implement - Did full description when focused on PE; need to revisit since the focus is extended to EMS. Take into account new use cases. - Would still like to get more concrete first to make sure that there is actual agreement on the big picture (and not just the illusion of agreement) - UML modelling as a possible first step - Go out to another WG for refinement or not? - Consensus is to keep it in OGSA-WG for now - Not just refinement but also clean up concepts across the capabilities. (OGSA as a whole) - What is the purpose of refinement? Validation not a normative spec. - Not worried that we might end up throwing it away if the concepts change in the meantime. - It was useful doing it for logging - There are concerns about how long this process will take however - Also need to revisit the use case scenarios to make sure that nothing is left out. - (Arrows: Show interactions but without going to any detail; not really detailed enough to be useful at this moment.) - Used 3 main use cases (see OGSA doc) but the "Typical Pattern" is actually Program Execution. - (Chris volunteered as liaison for SAGA-WG: - SAGA-RG will tackle job submission or management. What operations need to be done; it might be useful input to the EMS team.) - Next steps discussion: - Create WG or stay as design team. Does it make a difference at this moment? - There is danger in breaking off into another WG since the tighter interactions between the different teams may be lost. - But need more people involved. It can be easier if a different WG is formed as there will be more visibility. Also the rigor of having a WG is an advantage. - OGSA-WG has a full plate already; we have to prioritize this work against all the other work (Roadmap, Recommendation Track documents) and the members are the same. - Consensus is to do more work within design teams and not form new WG yet. - Don't dive too deep; do initial UML - Begin to look at CIM/DMTF stuff as input - (Roger Reich, Bill Horn, Tom Maguire as contacts) - And also interactions with other capabilities (e.g., Data) - Schedule the next batch of teleconfs * Cross-WG session with Utility WG - Profile: A set of interfaces and how they interoperate and order of operations. (And doing that in a broader context of multiple vendors etc) - Is CIM a standard produced through a process? - Initially donated by MS. It is now a consortium (so perhaps not an 'open open' standards organization.) - Standards slide talks mainly about interactions with GGF; there are other interactions (beyond Web services) - Are actual interfaces defined or just model/profiles? - Relation of OGSA and DMTF - OGSA taxonomy used by Utility-WG reference model - OGSA Management requirements to be fed in - CIM Manageable entity: models might be good input for OGSA and then might have to refine or add things to satisfy requirements. - Need to work out what information to exchange - If DMTF stops at models and OGSA starts at services then the interoperability is in the OGSA domain; otherwise there is overlap in efforts and it creates interroperability problems. - Might need to define some common set of base services - If OGSA defines provisioning or reservation interfaces they would also have to be modeled. - As an example, the 'managees' are in CIM but the managers will not be. - It is not clear that there are clear lines can be drawn - Assumption - Set collaboration as a target, and decide what to do. - How to synchronize: - Andrew would like to be involved in DMTF activites for EMS - Today was the first step - Next step: set up a 'tutorial' session: CIM model, examples - Might be good to do cim model + profile - E.g., execution, if possible, or storage - do both? - Email Tom Maguire or Jeffrin Von Reich if you want to join DMTF. Only people from organizations part of DMTF can join. - DMTF would probably like to know the OGSA Roadmap to understand what needs to be done and when. - See current DMTF roadmap as input - Need to draw clear lines to understand what OGSA models vs what the DMTF should do - Provide OGSA Roadmap as input to DMTF