Title: OGSA Architecture II (Data services and Security services) ================================================================= June. 7 (Mon) 12:30-2pm Coral 3 (1000) Minutes: Hiro Kishimoto and Keisuke Fukui Agenda: Data Services architecture (45) Security services architecture (45) * Data Services architecture 12:30-12:55 Since Dave Berry, lead of OGSA data service design-team, cannot attend GGF11, Andrew Grimshaw make a pitch of Dave's slides. Although there are more than 300 people in the room, no question about data services. * Security services architecture 12:55-13:30 Frank Siebenlist (ANL) goes over security services slides, written by Frank and Takuya Mori. Question from audience: *** Question: Tony Hey (UK eScience) Could you leverage (mimic) any of Internet2 experiences? They need (use?) trust relationship among multiple organizations and each organization owns different authentication. *** Answer: There is very good example (name?) for attribute service. It takes care attributes remotely to the other organization. Attributes are expressed as assertions and it conceptually works well. *** Question: Is authentication outside of your security model? *** Answer: Let's take the position of authorization focuse. For authentication, we need different view and it includes issue of shared key and private key. WS-security interaction between two VO's uses these keys. How do you manage these keys.