OGSA session 1 (Architecture I) =============================== June 7, 10:00-11:30am Minutes: Andreas Savva * OGSA Architecture Session I: EMS ================================== - Presentation of EMS work - Similar concepts (pattern) can be used to address other problems. Q: Not clear if the presented pattern allows for light(er)-weight or simpler solutions. A: Not all interfaces or interactions are required. It is possible to have environments that have only a subset of these interfaces or interactions. * Architecture Session I: Resource Management ============================================= - Resource Management presentation reviewing the state of the work - Resource Models - Common framework: resource model and way to represent & access manageability (second part: wsdm) - Many groups do explicit or implicit modelling work (inside or outside GGF). Need overall collaboration. * Architecture Session I: Information Services ============================================== - Review of Information Services Q: What is the connection to the WS-Discovery specification? A: Not aware of it; will look into it. Q: Message delivery QoS (aka reliable messaging, e.g., only once, etc) A: Consider this as part of Infrastructure Q: Accuracy of monitoring (information) service (update interval, etc.) A: Inherently data once received is probably old. Can add properties such as good for period, etc. Not the responsibility of the Information service but rather of producer/application/user. Q: How to reconcile information from different organizations that use different properties, monitoring interval? A: Information services deal with finding information source. The issue of quality of information is a next step (outside information services) Q: How do other services that deal with diagnostics, analysis, problem determination, etc. fit in. Are they part of the information services or a different part of OGSA? You might not want to collect such information all the time but be able to turn it on at the required time. A: Severity level, what gets collected, switching on, performance snapshots would probably be layered on top. But this functionality is not addressed yet in the document. Turning on and off might be closer to manageability interfaces. Will need to introduce higher level functionality on top; can think of dynamic provisioning also applying to this area (to dynamically enable the dynamic information collection). Q: Where does a control infrastructure sit in ogsa? A: Probably covered (at least partly) by EMS.