GGF10 - OGSA-WG Session 4 ========================= * Management and Manageability in OGSA, Fred Maciel - OGSA management definitions (terminology) - OGSA management framework - Resources - Platform functions - OGSA functions - WSDM - Where WSDM fits in (Platform functions) - What will interfaces look like (when are the specs coming out) - What does it mean to talk about unified interfaces - Each resource will have a native interface that the common interface will map to - Some abstractions (e.g., boot, start) that map to generic classes of resources - Also defined aggregations for applying operations to resource groups. - Not just what a resource does (behaviour) but related work on events or metrics. - Taxonomy of functions + set of specs - Define a path through the specs that provide useful solution to common problems; don't need to solve everything right from the begining. - CMM connection: We should work through some of the 'boxes' in more detail to get an idea of problems involved * OGSA-WG use cases, Hiro Kishimoto - Use cases as motivator for OGSA requirements. Also to help identify useful profiles. - Explanation of use cases currently in the final document and those in tier2 (still not properly reviewed) - Outline of process of accepting UCs (initial submission to being included in final document) ** Discussion - Use cases are motivators for OGSA functions. - But UCs are still not sufficiently useful to understanding explicitly what functions/interfaces/... are required - They cover broad area - Need to analyze them (break down into tasks required by UC); uncover the more detailed scenarios - Proposal that as a second iteration the WG goes back and looks at the scenarios covered by the UCs in mode detail. * OGSA-WG Next Step, Hiro Kishimoto - Final call for OGSA specification scheduled for GGF11 - Can we make it if we only have one F2F between GGF10 and GGF11? - 'Final call' is internal to the WG; to motivate for GGF11. - Ideally the document should be ready one month before to get GGF11 to get it in circulation and get people to come and comment on it. Then use GGF11 to make the 'final final' submission for GGF12 (maybe). - OGSA document at the moment is in flux. Get it if you want to contribute; do not get it just for review. It will change substantially. - Formal review of UC document. ** To do (Chairs) - Plan the next F2F - Rethink teleconf schedule. - proposal to reschedule one of the calls. - OGSA document work allocation