GGF10 - OGSA-WG Session 1 ========================= * OGSA Evolving, Jeff Nick WSRF & OGSI WSRF and OGSI was covered in more detail by Steve Tuecke's talk in a previous session. Focus mainly on what transition means to OGSA. OGSI introduction was a bold move. It attempted to address Grid requirements but was not well aligned with the direction Web Services were taking. It was not well integrated with WS standards and was seen as fracturing the community. (E.g., the industry has a lot of investment in tooling; OGSI, though not wrong, did not fit well (different paradigm) with current tooling.) WSRF move to address this and other problems. Other concerns addressed: - OGSI had too much functionality in one spec. To encourage adoption it was split up into a number of (composable) specs. One of them (WS-N) is still too big. Refined further into 3 smaller specs. - Too object oriented: Separate GS into service and state (resource). WSRF refactoring and alignment led to huge commercial support for WSRF. Shows acceptance of OGSI idea; success moving forward. Note that OGSI functionality is preserved in WSRF. GT4 to show that evolution is possible. Higher level services will not be affected by move to WSRF. OGSA connection A big WSRF motivation is systems management. Need some basic common functionality to support broader functions relating to resource management (talking about resources and managing them) etc; manageable resources. OGSA to standardize on functions too; standardize on more than syntax. Cross-working with other standards bodies, e.g., DMTF on manageable resources and models, OASIS for basic web services functionality, manageability. OGSA work to fill in the boxes (functions) by looking at use cases and coming up with concrete functionality that solves hard problems. Job scheduling as an example of a discipline that is well understood and where GGF has lots ot expertise. GGF can lead this area. Questions Connection of WSRF and WS-Architecture? WS-A is W3C's attempt to draw distinction from low level and high level functionality thereby identifying where it fits in (in other words it is an articulation of policy). (Low level functionality (wire level specs) done in W3C while higher level stuff (WSRF, WS-N) in OASIS or GGF.) Is there any conflict? There might be tension but not conflict. WS-A doesn't seem to be driving WS process. Working on use cases seems to be a good idea. In particular has there been work on security and requirements to solve basic problems? There is ongoing work within the group to identify the gap between WS security standards and OGSA. * Progress report and future plans, Hiro Kishimoto Activity summary - 2 interims since last GGF, 2 calls a week, active gridforge updates - Active participation from both academia and industry - First use case draft sent to GGF Editor. - OGSA specification updated to include some of the latest work. Architecture (big picture) in OGSA; detailed work in expert/specialized WGs. Collaboration and joint work/sessions. Deliverables: - Use Cases (final draft v1 GGF10) - OGSA spec. (final draft GGF11) - Roadmap (first draft at GGF11) Questions Not technology for technology's sake. What is industry's viewpoint on OGSA; where is it pushed, and which products are going to use it? Business Grid Project, Globus, IBM There is talk of OGSA being built around WSRF. What happens if WSRF does not materialize by next year? (Or if industry support is not there?) - From the point of view of the spec, the WG has already discussed this issue (Sep'03) and decided that OGSA is/should be architecturally independent of the base WS specs used to do the rendering to the resources. Currently expressing the OGSA spec in OGSI; will probably express in WSRF. - When we(implementers) come round to building things will have to make the hard decisions. - Standards take time to evolve. - IBM intends to build on WSRF and OGSA. Is it correct to do WSRF rework in ogsa after GGF10? Current draft is using OGSI terminology. The rework addresses terminology/language. It does not imply (or force) an implementation. How about other specs from other authors, e.g., WS-Eventing? WS-Eventing does not seem to be very far from what is in the WS-N. Revisiting question of WSRF support from other vendors. WSRF was just announced. TC to be formed in OASIS. Other organizations can sign up. Until the press release cannot really speak about lack of support from other vendors. Initial indications show a lot of interest. Also there are different types of vendors; some vendors such as those in system management might adopt the WSRF specs earlier than others.