OGSA Interim Meeting 12 - Day 5 =============================== Location: Fujitsu Labs America, Sunnyvale, US Date: 19 August 2005 (Day 5) Attendees --------- Hiro Kishimoto (Fujitsu) Tom Maguire (IBM) Andreas Savva (Fujitsu) Fred Maciel (Hitachi) Steven Newhouse (OMII) Mark Morgan (UVa) Allen Luniewski (IBM) Songhook Hwang (NAREGI) Ellen Stokes (IBM) Steve McGough (IC) Tokuya Mori (NEC) Jay Unger (IBM) Pete Ziu (Northrop Grumman) Mike Behrens (R2AD, LLC) Phone Bridge: Jem Treadwell (HP) Minutes: Mark Morgan, Andreas Savva Charter Discussion (As per Hiro's Slides) ----------------------------------------- * Why is the word "Open" used and defined in the charter? - Object to the statement "'Open' refers to ... and the standards themselves..." - OK to say that "Open" refers to the process. The say, the goal is to produce interoperability between implementations. - There is broad agreement to what we want to accept, we just need to agree on the text that describes it. * We probably need to take a look again at the Roadmap document. * Do we want to say something about how we work with other organizations both within and outside of the GGF * Do we want to say how the OGSA does NOT come up with specs. (Yes, mentioned in the Scope) * Service Description documents sounds like specifications -- could we say Informational Service Description documents or could we just say outright, "All these documents are 'informational'". * If the OGSA WG is going to be credible as a guiding force in the GGF, we have to tell people how to do things * Do we want to call out in these deliverables and milestones, related WG milestones and specifications? - Want to be able to clearly show the relationships between the OGSA-WG and other WGs. * Once a year for Roadmap documents seems like enough - First draft of 1.1 by summer GGF 2006 - Once the initial roadmap document is drafted, we are over a hump with that document. Revising it periodically seems like a simple matter. - Seems like having it issued twice a year is a good idea. - Shouldn't we coordinate this with GGFs - Let's not specify a date, but rather that this document is updated twice a year at the spring and fall GGFs. * Management Issues - Weekly phone calls, etc. * Evidence of Commitments to carry out WG tasks * Pre-existing Document(s) * Exit Strategy * Any other relevant info Action Items (from this meeting) -------------------------------- * As per the notes that Andreas produced from the draft minutes and included below. These include also relevant snips from the minutes. * Naming session - Use IRI - Put in faults. Mark and Andrew will do this and send them around. - SOAP 1.2 is not valid -- use SOAP 1.1 - GGF Copywrites in the schema and the wsdl - Normative use of schema includes - Change the namespaces - What is required to get Microsoft on board: - Have to take the spec to the WS team in MS. - Any spec that MS is party to, it has to go through the interop. workshops that they have been using for things like WS-Security Action: Marvin to talk to Andrew Layman and ask him for a formal description of this process - Get latest version of the Naming doc. out and come to closure on that. - Once it gets into that state, UVa will start an implementation. - Maybe premature to start talking about an interop. event. - But we want to keep that on the planning horizon. * RNS session - Strong desire to see this spec simplified more. - As a group, OGSA has voted to recommend to GFS that they go with Andrew's individually addressable directory port type model. - Proposal: GFS and Data get together and talk about consolidating the iterator port type. Action: OGSA to schedule a brief review with GFS to review the simplified RNS specification. (Andrew, Hiro, Manuel) * RM session - Agreed to work on sequence diagrams (Done) - Peter, Hiro, Tom to lead teams doing UML for Thursday session 1. Blast, Patching, Cache Service 2. 3-tier Application 3. Consolidation Services - Agreed to deprecate the use of Resource Model in favor of the terms "Information Model" and "Data Model". - OGSA RM team to produce a Guidance document from ogsa to ogsa-* (Fred, Ellen) - What needs to be captured in an information model and how to render; based on experience, not ad-hoc. A formalization of the 'pilot project' - Pilot project as reference or as a project defining an information model - Modeling should be done once what needs to be done is made more concrete - e.g., formalize the EMS architecture (or part thereof) as 0.9 - Include descriptive document of sequence diagrams - input to RM design team for strawman information model - Agreed to update the older (more detailed) EMS document into an 'EM architecture' document (Andrew) Action: Start up the EMS team again (Andrew, Tom and Ravi) * ByteIO session - Action: Michel and Mark to discuss client vs server transfer protocol choices and whether there is any changes needed in the ByteIO specification. (Closed (update spec)) * OGSA Architecture and Glossary 1.5 Actions on section owners. See https://forge.gridforum.org/projects/ogsa-wg/document/OGSA_Data_Architecture_Status_Report/en/1 - Key points: - Issues exist with document and resource modeling and information modeling. - First draft is end of August - This is a maintenance release -- sections that have not been worked on do not get updated - Agreed to start putting work for this doc. on the telecon schedule - Andreas to keep track of what's needed and track it against revisions - People to do independent changes; Send to Andreas and he will merge and upload to Gridforge. - Is there a primed 1.5 document to start from? - Andreas will update the 1.0 (just version numbers) and upload it as 1.5 on gridforge (done) * Roadmap document review - Basic Profile 1.0 is already being changed to remove security section (Tom) - WSRF BP 1.0 re-submission (hold the document and re-submit the revised document) - Tom to send email to Greg describing the planned update (Done) - Make a secure chanel profile (Takuya, Tom) - Make a anonymous chanel profile (Takuya, Tom) - Update Roadmap document to reflect these new profiles (Takuya and Tom, Jem) - Jem needs to update the overall spreadsheet date to 18 Aug. 2005 - Source on WS-Addressing citation is wrong (Tom to send Jem the correct one) * CDDLM joint session - Define one or two scenarios and go through them to explore interactions between the various 'pieces' (Andrew, Jay, Ravi, Stuart, Mike) - Goal to present something by GGF15 but produce something before that; do it on ogsa teleconference - OGSA-WG to scheduling such meetings in the future (calls, ggf etc) - (And this is part of the planned EMS architecture work.) * RSS session Notes from Donal: Open Issues: - RSS property set - do we need one at all? I don't see a benefit in requiring a particular Info Model from an interface perspective and we're not specifying anything deeper than that (experience says that would be a mistake). - How to handle large candidate sets while still retaining the ability to handle rich candidate sets. EPRs are insufficient. - Whether to (and if so, how to) recommend people write an EPS that deals with workflows with coupling constraints. - Representation for workflows. Action Items (in no particular order, excepting dealing with the Open Issues): - Rejig how we're working on to no longer couple reservations into it - Get the service description document done ASAP. * Security session - Arrange a joint teleconf (session) with OGSA AuthZ - Check Revisions of OGSA AuthZ documents - Pete and Hiro will review revised documents and provide feedback * BES session - Issue: EPRs or WS-Names? - There is a problem with Security - We have made progress on using web services, there is a fairly good body of work on security in that environment. We need to bring them together. - ACTION ITEM: Jay Unger is going to get an IBM security guy to work with the security group to get this worked out. - Needs to be security at an authorization and policy level - Get a community together for this GGF15 Preparation and Schedule ------------------------------ * GGF15 is Oct 3 (Mon) thru Oct 6 (Thu) - Tuesday noon through Thursday noon (plus extra at beginning and ending * Does the two session per WG apply to WG, or WG and Design Team? * If we have multiple rooms for the F2F, is it OK to ask the GFSG to just have two sessions for GGF? (Yes) * Do we need more then one session for outreach? - Gut feel is yes * Agreed that OGSA will request two 90 minute sessions (instead of suggested 45+90). And give more time to the resource management team to present their work. * Can we turn people away from the OGSA F2F meeting based on space limitations? - Agreed on discouraging tourists but the meeting is open as it is under GGF rules. - Agreed to 2 full days of meetings (Thur, Fri) - Jay has booked an auditorium, just in case. - Don't want to have parallel sessions - Not sure who can attend from the security team (Takuya cannot make Thursday & Friday) * Next to next F2F meeting - La Jolla (SDSC) as the preferred location. - Typical problems with agreeing on the dates. - Week of Dec. 12 (or Dec. 5)? -- Slight preference vote-wise for the 12th - January is another option Jan. 9th? Jan. 16? -- Slight preference for votes here (much more than in Dec.). Action: Hiro to do the usual survey to gauge people's preferences