OGSA Interim Meeting 12 - OGSA 1.5, Roadmap =========================================== Location: Fujitsu Labs America, Sunnyvale, US Date: 18 August 2005 (Day 4), afternoon Attendees --------- Fred Maciel (Hitachi) Tom Maguire (IBM) Hiro Kishimoto (Fujitsu) Andreas Savva (Fujitsu) Takuya Mori (NEC) Steven Newhouse (UoS) Michel Drescher (Fujitsu) Mark Morgan (UVa) Allen Luniewski (IBM) Soonwook Hwang (NAREGI) Ellen Stokes (IBM) Steve McGough (IC) Pete Ziu (Northrop Grumman) Jay Unger (IBM) Mike Behrens (R2AD, LLC) Ravi Subramaniam (Intel) Phone bridge: Jem Treadwell (HP) Minutes: Mark Morgan (Minor edits: Andreas Savva) OGSA Architecture and Glossary 1.5 ---------------------------------- Andreas leading discussion on OGSA Arch. document * Status update from last telecon (as per slides) https://forge.gridforum.org/projects/ogsa-wg/document/ogsa-architecture-glossary-1.5-status/en/1 * Resource is a heavily overloaded term wrt WSRF - Resource in the document will be changed to "anything that can be talked about to do useful work." - We try to use the phrase "WSRF Resources" when that is the intent. - If the argument is that we have defined it to be something in the Glossary and that everyone should read the glossary before the rest of the document then fine, but isn't that a huge assumption. - Is it resource management, resource modelling, information management, information modelling, etc. Very inconsistent terminology is used. We need a consistent view. * This document's structure dates back to 12 months ago, and it has moved on. We should update it. - The current document says nothing about Information Modelling. * But this is a maintenance release -- you don't have to update the sections if you can't achieve consensus (But one target is to improve overall coherency.) * Key point -- issues exist with document and resource modelling and information modelling. * First draft is end of August; final in October. * The RM section refers to resource models and as such needs updating. * Naming stuff to be removed from section 3.9 (Information) and moved to Infrastructure. * Glossary Document - Some small changes, particularly wrt Naming and BES - This is the Glossary to the Architecture document and not of *all* OGSA related documents. Idea in general is that other documents should probably provide their own Glossaries - Need to mention the word profile but that should probably be in Architecture document. - Agreed to delete obsolete terms (OGSI, GSR, GSH, etc.) * Need to start putting stuff for this doc. on the telecon schedule * Andreas to keep track of what he wants and to track it against revisions * People to do independent changes; send to Andreas who will merge and upload to Gridforge. * People should only update their sections and bring issues with other sections or spanning multiple sections to the OGSA teleconfs or list. * Is there a primed 1.5 document to start from? - Andreas will make a new doc, call it 1.5 and put it on gridforge (Done) Roadmap Document review ----------------------- Jem leading. * Section 3.8 needs to be updated again because they have consensus for some things....still refers to OGSI which is obsolete * Email on revised charter and in that says that WG tries to submit a new version that will be re-written based on OGSA-WSRF-Basic-Profile by GGF15. * Takuya to update information in this section (3.8) * What about section 3.7? - There is a new version of SAML that we may need to refer to. * How soon will those changes be made? - Not sure at this point - We are trying to get this done by August. - OK, then Takuya to do his changes before then. * Sections 3.7/3.8 describe normative documents and should be in section 4, not in 3. * The requirements document has not yet been published - The problem is that when we mention it in the Roadmap document is that we want to have a stable reference for it. * We might need to make a comment on the Requirements documents naming conventions - Jem waiting to hear back from Takuya on this. * Would we want a wiki site on gridforge so that the document (section 8) could simply refer to that. - It isn't so bad the way that we have it now - Decision to keep as is - Mark to send UVa website URL to Jem * Need to add content for security profiles and security sections (Takuya to do). * Need to have the documents for these written in the next few weeks. * But the roadmap has to be done sooner since we had said (to the GGF Editor) that we would be done by the end of August. * It isn't a big deal to add a couple of sections wrt security profiles. * New sections have to be to Jem by early next week. * What is the issue if we were late getting the Roadmap to Greg - No issue if we are only late by one or two weeks. * The end of next week is a bit of a stretch for the new sections, but a couple of weeks is OK. - Agreed to shoot for the end of next week, but it might not be possible. * Summary - Basic Profile 1.0 is already being changed to remove security section - Agreed to writing a separate secure channel profile - Agreed to writing a separate anonymous channel profile - Have to update Roadmap document to reflect these changes and new documents (Takuya and Tom, Jem) * For document references - There is sample text you can put there to say that the document isn't ready yet "Forthcoming in GGF Document Series" -- Look at CMM document; reference 11 as an example * Has the trademarking been decided yet? - Jem has seen Greg's comment, but haven't followed up yet - Small group is discussing how to use (TM) -- there is no official GGF guideline. Proposal is to use (TM) on the first occurrence of OGSA, and add a footnote that "OGSA is a trademark of the GGF". * What is the status of the trademark? - It isn't federally registered yet, but you can put a statement that it is a trademark of the GGF, you just can't put the statement that it is a registered trademark, i.e., cannot use the (R) mark yet. - Maybe in 6 months we can use the word "Registered" Roadmap Trackers (led by Jem) ----------------------------- * Looked at the trackers that Jem fixed (marked as such) and closed them. Public Comments (led by Jem) for Roadmap ---------------------------------------- * Would it make since to have meta-comments in the document (like javadoc) and parse those out and form a table? * Jem to put tracker on Comment from Toshiyuki Nakata. * Should we have a v2 tracker for the document - Yeah, might be a good idea. Specifications Spreadsheet (led by Jem) for Roadmap --------------------------------------------------- * Jem needs to update the overall date to 18 Aug. 2005 * Source on WS-Addressing 1.0 is wrong - Should be the 2005 URL - Top WS-Addressing should be last call URL -- 2005-03-12? - The other one should be the submission - Both are wrong - Look at the citation on the note, that is correct. - The first one, Tom to send URL and Cite * Might be changes based on what the AuthZ decides. - Is the SAML version going to change? - Right now, the current version of the documents refer to the version 1.1 of SAML document. - That's already the latest version available - SAML 2.0 is available, but it is not ready yet and we probably shouldn't refer to it. * JSDL status has changed -- it should be GWD-R so it should move from Institutional Draft to Institutional Evolving. * Jem to make changes and update date and paste into relevant sections in Roadmap. * Can we also put WSDL and XML for completeness into the spreadsheet - Already discussed this issue and the boundary is not to put in things that are very obvious. Stop at WS-Addressing profile. - What about IRI? - Can we make a note in the roadmap that there is a boundary on what is included and referenced? - If someone has strong feelings about references that they would like referenced, then they should come forward with that list and suggest that they be added, but let's not say that we need to go combing through the specs to find them. - Add a statement to the roadmap document that says that there are some specifications which are below a boundary level and are not included.