OGSA Interim Meeting 12 - RM (2) ================================ Location: Fujitsu Labs America, Sunnyvale, US Date: 18 August 2005 (Day 4), morning * Participants Andrea Westerinen (Cisco) Andrew Grimshaw (UVa) Fred Maciel (Hitachi) Tom Maguire (IBM) Hiro Kishimoto (Fujitsu) Andreas Savva (Fujitsu) Fred Brisard (CA) Takuya Mori (NEC) Steven Newhouse (UoS) Michel Drescher (Fujitsu) Mark Morgan (UVa) Allen Luniewski (IBM) Soonwook Hwang (NAREGI) Ellen Stokes (IBM) Donal Fellows (UoM) Steve McGough (IC) Jay Unger (IBM) Pete Ziu (Northrop Grumman) Mike Behrens (R2AD, LLC) Minutes: Andreas Savva * Resource Management (session 2) - Breakout sessions for 90 minutes to expore the three scenarios: - BLAST: https://forge.gridforum.org/projects/ogsa-wg/document/OGSA-2005-08-RM-scenario-1/en/1 - 3-tier: https://forge.gridforum.org/projects/ogsa-wg/document/OGSA-2005-08-RM-scenario-2/en/1 - Server consolidation: https://forge.gridforum.org/projects/ogsa-wg/document/OGSA-2005-08-RM-scenario-3/en/1 - Reviewed the resulting sequence diagrams for the three scenarios - Overall the exercise worked well; a basic common understanding of interactions exists. - But a lot of work is still needed to iron out the details. - (Most teams ran out of time) - Scenario 3 team concentrated more on the interactions needed for provisioning resources - Should work on merging the graphs and give this as input to determine information required in information model - OGSA RM team to produce a Guidance document from ogsa to ogsa-* (Fred, Ellen) - What needs to be captured in an information model and how to render; based on experience, not ad-hoc. A formalization of the 'pilot project' - Pilot project as reference or as a project defining an information model - Modeling should be done once what needs to be done is made more concrete - e.g., formalize the EMS architecture (or part thereof) as 0.9 - Include descriptive document of sequence diagrams - Input to RM design team for strawman information model - Agreed to update the older (more detailed) EMS document into an 'EM architecture' document (Andrew) Action: Start up the EMS team again (Andrew, Tom and Ravi) (IBM has an agreement with Standards bodies to allow the free use to Rose UML tool for standards work. Tom will look into it and give more information to the group.) * DMTF and Cisco Profile overview/comparison Presentation by Andrea W: https://forge.gridforum.org/projects/ogsa-wg/document/dmtf-cisco-profile-overview/en/1 - A description of what is a CIM profile. DMTF is working on such a document. - Cisco has been working on an XML spec that can be used to generate such documents. This presentation describes that work. - Cisco is producing this CIM wizard to make it easier to select relevant classes. The plan is to release is as open source; as an eclipse plugin. This should be done with the next few months. - The schemas are produced by Cisco but a Profile would be owned by organization defining it. (The XML schemas shown are set like that.) - Changing base classes can be done as extensions initially. And then could be submitted back to DMTF for inclusion to the model. - Pilot project as reference or as a project defining an information model - Modeling should be done once what needs to be defined is made more concrete. E.g., formalize the EMS architecture (or part thereof) to version 0.9 and then embark on the modeling exercise which would feed back into the architecture. But don't start with the modeling first. - An EM profile would choose certain CIM classes and possibly extend them. And then such an EM profile could be further extended by other groups in GGF as needed. - The work can be done incrementally. It is better to choose a small part initially. - The wizard can assist by narrowing down the selection to the classes relevant to a specific topic. * Data Architecture review Presentation by Allen L: https://forge.gridforum.org/projects/ogsa-wg/document/OGSA_Data_Architecture_Status_Report/en/1 A revised document is planned for GGF15. The milestones call for this to be ready for public review by December but that deadline is somewhat at risk. ** Data transfer - Agreement within the OGSA-D group that data in transit is not a resource; but data 'at rest' is. - Also the 'pipe' for the data in transit is a resource. - Considering spawning a new WG for simple 1-1 transfer: to standardize service description (similar in functionality perhaps to Globus RFT) - What is the difference of such a group with ByteIO? - 1-1 transfer means a copy operation; while - ByteIO is posix-like access to 'file-like' things. And could be used to deliver the data for this 1-1 transfer service. - Referring to slide 9 the ByteIO i/f might be the interface to a specific data resource - There is a perceived clash between two models: bottom-up (storage: files, blocks etc) and top-down (database entities or logical entities). This clash that should be resolved 'somewhere' - It would be useful to do a similar scenario exploration for Data along the same lines as those done for EMS. ** Data Access - Security: Needs more work to identify what is really needed. Some initial steps taken. ** SRM - There is an explicit information model that will have to be defined. ** Replication - Need to expose the required consistency characteristics - (Caches can be build out of replication mechanism) - What is the status of the OREP-WG? It has been dormant for some time now. ** Data federation - Intention here is to do things in a more general way than current products do. (But cover existing functionality.) ** Transactions - After discussions with TM-RG at GGF14 decided that this topic is not likely to cause architecture problems. ** Security - See earlier notes. A number of know issues that have just started being explored. ** Other issues - The small number of people involved - How to get more people (get more companies involved) - SNIA connection? - Need more work to put the Data Architecture document together as a unified whole * OGSA-WG Next Steps Review No minutes taken. The document was updated in real time with the discussions. https://forge.gridforum.org/projects/ogsa-wg/document/OGSA-Next-Step-20050818/en/1 - Agreed to re-submit the WSRF BP 1.0 specification. - Hold the current submission from moving to public comment and re-submit the revised document to avoid too much back-tracking. - Tom to send email to Greg describing the planned update (Done)