OGSA-DMI Telcon 20 June 2008 ============================ Present: Mario Antonioletti, EPCC Steven Newhouse, Microsoft Michel Drescher, Fujitsu Allen Luniewski, IBM +--- Actions: Actions from the last call: [Mario] Talk to Ravi about Globus DMI implementation. In progress. [Michel] Distribute WSDL, schema to the list for comment. Done. [Michel] Write a normative document for the WS-DL, schema and messages with help from friends. In progress. [Mario] Set up an ftp server for Michel/Steven. Done. +--- Implementation progress: Michel - has almost got a complete implementation of OGSA DMI, including support state lifetime but there are a couple of issues remaining. Stay alive time will have units in seconds. WS-Addressing actions and renaming the resume operation need to be fixed- other than that fine. Some of these will be fed back into the functional spec after the interop process has concluded. Steven - rebuilt the interface based on the current draft of the XML distributed by Michel. Steven has been communicating with Michel over any issues that arise. His DMI implementation can do file transfers based on ftp endpoints. Have to implement the transfer activity as a separate thread so that it can be monitored and actioned by the client. Mario reported that Ravi has been busy but he will try to do something. Michel is away from 26 June - 4th July, back in the office on the 7th of July. Steven hopes to get something up and running by then. Hopefully Ravi can come up with something on-line roundabout that time. Michel would like some of the stuff from the WSS namespace from Steven to put his DMI credentials in. Steven is going to send him something. Michel has been keeping an xls sheet with issues (because of issues with GridForge). More changes on the pipeline - three outstanding ones: Plain WS Rendering WS-Addressing Action values garbled. The WS-Addressing Action values for the DTF and DTI operations do not matching the DMI naming pattern. Michel will fix and produce some new WSDL. Specification 1.0 stayAliveTime ambiguous. The definition of the stayAliveTime is ambiguous - there is no unit defined. Does the value mean days? Minutes? Use seconds for lifetime - integer values should give plenty of scope for lifetime. Plain WS Rendering 1.0 Resume operation rendered as "restart" The Specification defines a "Resume" operation while the rendering uses "restart" as verb for this operation Operation to go back to being called resume. Michel's noted that his implementation is WSRF compliant and that he could use this for the WSRF rendering of OGSA-DMI. Date of next call will be decided at some future point.