OGSA-DMI teleconference minutes =============================== 30 May 2007 Participants: ============ Allen Luniewski, IBM Mario Antonioletti, EPCC Michel Drescher, Fujitsu Minutes: Mario Antonioletti 1) Early discussion (5 min) Note taker assignment Roll call Telecon minutes approvals 23 May 07: http://forge.gridforum.org/sf/go/doc14561?nav=1 Agenda bashing 2) Functional Specification (50 min) Current draft: http://forge.ogf.org/short/OGSA-DMI-WG/spec 3) Wrap up (5 min) AOB Actions: [Michel] Migrate actions from past minutes to tracker items. [Allen] Talk to the security people at OGF to see if there is any prior work on [Identity]. +-- Previous minutes approved without any changes. Agreed that actions in future would be migrated to be grid forge artifacts. Michel will migrate any previous actions on to grid forge. Michel had a phone call with Steve Newhouse. Steve confirmed that the undo strategy is a child of the supported protocols. In the data transfer factory the undo strategy/strategies is/are child elements of a supported protocol. Discussion as to whether [supported protocol] should be protocols (as opposed to protocol) or whether this is purely an XML rendering issue. Agreed to leave it as is for now. There was a brief discussion as to whether there should be a default protocol - as a shorthand (if the user does not specify the protocol it uses this) - but it was thought it would be simpler to keep the system as is (no default). There is no default undo strategy property as a top element of the factory as there was before. The document has to be changed to reflect this. The undo strategy, in the factory, is something that the user can specify which, if not available, will produce a fault. If the user does not specify an undo strategy the factory will negotiate an appropriate one. The Data Transfer Instance, however, should have an undo strategy property which describes what is actually being used. This will be added to the spec. Possibility not have a single undo strategy - it could be a list of strategies that the data service instance will do in a specified order on behalf of the client before it fails. No extra implementation burden as having more than one is optional. Identity may have to be revised (including whether we should keep the concept in the spec). This information is required in addition to the passing of source/sink credentials in the requestDataTransferInstance. Question as to whether [Identity] is a concept that is already out there or whether it's something that we are trying to create. Also issue as to how this information is passed to the participants. Discussion about the Data Transfer Instance - static properties should be top level property elements while dynamic ones could be sub elements of something like status (though there was a misunderstanding of what status is by Mario and Allen - it specifies state machine state and not actually bytes transferred or that kind of information). It would be edifying to try to walk through a simple use case of a Data Transfer Instance and Data Transfer Factory for DMI that does this for the transfer of a file from point A to point B using, say, GridFTP. This led to a discussion of what properties were optional and which were mandatory. Led to a discussion of the state machine - which also needs to be re-examined. Will discuss the state machine at the next DMI call. Allen will not be available on the 13 or the 20th of June for a call.