OGSA DMI Telcon - Telcon 5th September ====================================== Attendees: Steve Newhouse, Microsoft Mario Antonioletti, EPCC Michel Drescher, Fujitsu Allen Luniewski, IBM Reviewed changes done to the document: Steven did made changes to the faults, security section and the get attributes operations for the factory and the data transfer instance. Added getFactoryAttributesDocument() operation in section 4.1. Michel thought that an xs:any should be added in case there are additional attributes that could be returned to the client [for the XML representation in section]. Lowered the case of the first letter of the start, activate, stop, restart and suspend operations for consistency. Also added a getInstanceAttributesDocument operation. Added failed-{clean,unclean, unknown} failed faults (same as the states. getStatus operation defined in section 5.2.6. The xs:any should be at the top of the complex type, before the defined elements else there are parsing problems. In section 5.3 have two new faults: IncorrectStateFault and FailedStateTransitionFault. Semantics are as in the document. States can change without user intervention - the text in the document currently seems to suggest that all state changes are user driven. Text to be changed to indicate this should be changed. Sections has new text on the failed states. Section 6 contains information about the security. Section 12 (Renderings) will have a section for the XML relating to the spec, common XML Schema and WSDL for the DTF and DTI. Additional renderings may be placed in other documents. SN will make some more changes and accept changes. MD then to create the XML Schema and WSDL to be done for next week. Group will then work on a slide set for OGF. Michel and Steven will be at OGF - Mario will try to call in, Allen is not sure yet if he can make it to OGF. Start socialising the spec and trying to get key people and groups to look over it.